Fresh Season, Fresh Start

Here we are at a brand new month, and creeping up on a brand new season.
For me, even though I’m no longer in school, I still connect June with school getting out for the summer. The energy feels lighter somehow, even though there’s still ‘adulting’ to do and work to be done, something feels different. The lighter energy feels like a well deserved gift after the intensity and rough patches that have shown up this year. If you’re thinking over some of the challenges you’ve experienced so far, trust me when I say you’re not alone. Clients, friends, and family have all told me that they’ve experienced a bit of a one step forward two steps back experience during the first half of 2016. I’ve definitely had my fair share of the same experience. We’ve all been riding this roller coaster together.
The great news is that as we step into the second half of 2016 ( I know, crazy right?!) things feel like they’re going to move more easily and organically. So, this is a great time to get back to your to do lists, projects, and partially started things that have been on hiatus for you. You may find that some of the things you wanted to work on at the beginning of the year aren’t as prescient for you now. Other ideas and inspiration may be in the forefront for you now. Great, this is a perfect time to re-prioritize what you want to do and how you want to spend the last half of 2016.
Give yourself permission to be really honest with yourself about what you want to do and what you want to release. Sometimes it can be easy to feel obligated to keep things on the list that you feel should be there even though you have no desire to do them. Depending on what’s on your list there’s always more than one option in dealing with the less than fun items.

  • You can ask someone to help you
  • You can hire it out
  • Or, you can literally cross it off your list and say no thank you.

Sometimes things that were a fit at one time are no longer a fit now; and that’s okay. In fact I think that’s a huge take away that’s come through from the first part of the year. There’s been a lot of opportunity to reflect on what’s important, what’s worth investing in and what’s ready to be released.
Add some things to your list that feel really good to you, things that get you excited, and things that will bring you joy. Think about how you can include fun to your daily life while moving toward the goals and dreams that you want to accomplish during the rest of the year. I think summer is a great season to support this balance between work and play. The weather is warm, the days are long and it seems easier to make fun a priority.

Use this season as a way to cultivate the healthy habit of sprinkling fun and joy into your day to day life. Give yourself permission to invest in the life that you want to live and let go of the stuff that doesn’t match up to that life.

This is your life and you have full permission to live it your way.
How can you add more fun, joy, and playtime to your schedule this month?

Leave a message in the comment section so we can share ideas. 
Wishing you a wonderful transition into summer which officially happens on Monday, June 20th. There’s a full moon on that day too, so it’s going to be a big energy shift.
With love,
P.S. Do you have a friend or colleague who could use a little more balance in their life? If so, please pass this message on to them for me. Thank you so much in advance!

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