2020 Coming Out of the Gate Swinging: How to Make the Most of this Energy


Wow, what a beginning to 2020, has it felt like a big shift for you, too?
I ended the decade and started this one with forced rest…in the form of being sick. Yeah, not fun but definitely one of those things that you can’t do much about except to try your best to take it one day at a time.

Now that I’ve turned a corner on the things that kept me in bed (thankfully) I can see that there is a powerful message and lesson in remembering to take things one day at a time. It’s something we all know, and hear it frequently, however there is something important about actually letting it resonate and making shifts and changes where they’re needed.

While most people will be talking about this month being the month of love and all things candy hearts, cookies, and all the things; I think this is the perfect time to take stock of what’s working great and what areas can be tweaked, adjusted, and more streamlined. This is a powerful and important way to demonstrate love for ourselves and for the people in our lives.

2020 has come out of the gate without pulling any punches. There is this big pull to get things into alignment and it feels like things that are finished are being pushed out, pretty rapidly. You may be feeling this in your own life too. One of the ways that we can make the most of this energy shift and these rapid changes is to consciously get on the same page with what we want to get out of this year and How we’re going to make that happen to the best of our ability.

I attended a university who’s motto is, Today Decides Tomorrow; very true, right? We can clearly see how the actions, planning, and dedication we make today will lead to the outcomes, opportunities, and the future we’re moving toward.

The issue that shows up for most people is how to create momentum and focus on what they’re moving toward while also allowing themselves to take things one day at a time. It can feel like a bit of a conundrum, however, the key in the lock here shows up as a Consistent Plan and Daily Healthy Habits.

A plan, with daily action steps helps to reduce the feelings of overwhelm, and also creates steady consistent forward motion.

I find that highly sensitive people, like yourself can often vacillate between going all in and pushing themselves too hard for too long until they burn out or feeling too timid to try which can lead to analysis paralysis.

Both of these situations can lead to overwhelm, frustration, challenges, and a loss of momentum and forward motion.

So the key in the lock is focusing on the middle ground and being honest about your schedule, your distractions, and keeping your commitment to yourself, daily.

If this is not your natural skill set, please reach out for professional help so you can really make some traction this year instead of feeling like this year is getting away from you or pulling you around and you’re just trying to keep up.

When I tune into the energy of 2020, it feels intense, strong, and very structural. It literally feels like it’s squaring things up. When you think of a square you can feel that strong energy with hard lines and how it holds its space.

You can ask yourself:

  • What areas of my life feel like they’re being squared up this so far this year?

  • What areas of my life still need to be squared up?

  • How can I contribute to this process in a positive way?

  • What changes or shifts do I need to make to create forward motion?

Now that we’re officially into the second month of the new year and a fresh decade and the holiday hangover is behind us; please give yourself some time to make a strategic plan that will support you in the ways that are right for you.

  • Be honest about what is leaving your life.

  • Be honest about what is coming into your life.

  • Be clear about how you’re going to make these things a reality for yourself.

  • Begin today, remember even seemingly small shifts lead to big change over time and Today Decides Tomorrow.

Self Care and Self Love are really important aspects to a happy, healthy, and well adjusted life and taking time this month to focus on these important areas of your life is a powerful demonstration of self care and self love.

I’m wishing you a productive, happy, and healthy 2020. I'd love to support you in making 2020 a year that reflects your dreams, desires, and dedication! 

You know I love February, it’s my favorite month of the year; don’t forget to enjoy all the candy hearts, cookies, goodies and all the things while you’re busy planning your year. It will make it that much more fun!

With Love,

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