Love Is In The Air
/Hello and Happy February! I hope you are having a great day as we move into the second month of this new year. This is my favorite month of the year and it always has been. In addition to it being my birthday month, I also love that it happens to be the only month with 28 days and every 4 years it gets to have 29 days. {Again the only month that has this little special day added to its normal routine.} When I was in grammar school, February always had two 3 day weekends plus Valentine’s Day which was always celebrated with goodies and fun. So all in all February was always a month that seemed ripe with fun, celebration, and a focus on things and people that we loved.
Now that I’m all grown up I still absolutely love February. As a self-employed person, I no longer receive the 3 day weekends I did as a child; however there is still something special about this time of year that really speaks to me. February marks the beginning of the quickening, a time when the plants begin to wake up and signs of life begin to reappear. As we move deeper into the month, more and more of this quickening begins to happen reminding us that spring is close. Mother Nature begins to display a physical new cycle and a new beginning right in front of our eyes. However, even with this quickening, it is still winter and the signs of winter are still noticeable and a part of our day to day lives. I think this is one of the magical parts of this month. There is a balance that is evident around us that reminds us to take time to rest and renew while also taking time to prepare for the new energy and new beginning of spring.
I find this is a wonderful time to do some checking in with ourselves so that we can see where we may need to create more balance within our own lives. February being a month that focuses on love allows this work to be in perfect alignment with the energy that is floating through the air right now.
Here are some things to think about right now:
- How do I feel about the way my first month of the year unfolded?
- In what ways can I review my plan for myself and make shifts or changes?
- Have I continued with a new healthy habit or change that I started at the beginning of the year? If not, why?
- How much time am I devoting to Self-Care each week?
- What kind of Self-Care is a fit for me?
- What support systems have I consciously put into place which will allow me to move forward with my dreams and goals?
- Do I need to call someone and schedule a time to create a support system for myself?
- How do I feel about my day to day life?
- How am I honoring my feelings in my relationship with myself and others?
- What things make me feel joyful? How often am I incorporating them into my “regular” schedule?
- How do I incorporate fun into my days?
The truth is that Love begins at home. Love begins right where you are right now. So take a moment to stop and tune into where you are as you are reading this. Take a moment to acknowledge yourself and to give yourself some much deserved love. When we remember to love ourselves first, the other stuff in our lives begins to fall into line. This may sound like a platitude; but I promise you it is true. When we take stock of where things are within our lives and when things seem to be a bit off; it always comes back to love. I have found that it can be really easy to put our own needs on the back burner until it isn’t. What does that mean? Well, it means that while it may seem like it works for a bit, eventually it doesn’t. When that happens we have the opportunity to look at the things, people, and situations which have taken our lives out of balance and we get to renegotiate them by honoring ourselves and loving ourselves first. When you love yourself first; it is much easier to say yes to the things that are in alignment with what is right for you; and no to the things that aren’t. When you love yourself first it is easier to have more love to give to your family, friends, partner, career, and passion projects. When you love yourself first you have more energy, inspiration, and zest for life. When you love yourself first, the stuff that doesn’t fit you anymore just drops away.
Throughout this month of February; I invite you to find ways each day to love yourself first. This can be something seemingly small like enjoying a hot cup of tea in your favorite chair, going for a walk, saying no to demands on your time, or anything else that calls to you. However, like all seemingly small change, it always adds up to big change over time. During this month that focuses on love, why not create a healthy new habit of practicing self-love every day for 28 days. I promise you that you are worth it and that you will experience positive shifts that happen from the inside out. Self-love also allows you to more easily create a rework on anything that didn’t unfold that way you had imagined throughout January; and to create a balanced approach to moving forward. Focus on how you can honor the resting and renewal of winter while also investing in the new beginnings that are showing up during this time of the quickening. You are absolutely worth the investment! Make February a month all about you and enjoy yourself while you revel in the month of you!