3 Ways to Move Through the Full Moon Cycle


We’re coming up on a big full moon this, Saturday but I bet you’re already feeling some signs + symptoms of this moon cycle. I know I’m really feeling it, especially in my body which has been feeling really heavy, slow moving, and a bit lethargic today.

I wanted to share 3 of my favorite ways to move through a full moon cycle with you in case it can offer you some additional support.

Sometimes people think that full moon symptoms occur only on the day of the full moon, but that’s not entirely true. The impact can be felt by highly sensitive people, like yourself several days prior to the full moon, the day of, and several days afterward. If you’ve been feeling a bit off, it may be because you’re already riding these full moon waves that are rolling into town for all of us.

 Common Full Moon Symptoms:

  • I find that Empath’s, HSP’s, and Intuitives experience these symptoms more than those who don’t identify as sensitive.

  1. Slight Fever

  2. Headache

  3. Achy or Highly Sensitive Skin

  4. Increased Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Crowds

  5. Pressure in the Head and or Body

  6. Feeling Lethargic or in Slow Motion

  7. Feeling Foggy or Find it Hard to Focus

  8. Bloating

  9. Nausea

  10. Clumsiness

  11. Intense Emotions and or Deep Feelings

  12. Need to be Alone or to be Quiet

  13. Need more Sleep than Usual, Including Naps

  14. Exhaustion

  15. Insomnia

  16. Dehydration

  17. Upset or Sensitive Stomach

  18. Food Cravings

1. Increase Your Water:
Drink more water to help your body re-calibrate itself. Even if you’re someone who always drinks the exact right amount of water for your weight and height every day, drink a bit more. The full moon moves the water inside our bodies and increasing water can help to reduce bloating, headaches, dehydration, food cravings, and feeling foggy.

2. Treat Yourself to a Treatment:
You may want to schedule a Massage, Acupuncture, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, or other Self Care treatment to help you during this time of deep sensitivity. Treatments can support your body in moving back into alignment, leaving you feeling more like yourself again.

3. TLC
To me this is the most important aspect of support.
Only you will know what you need during this time, and it’s important to treat yourself with the same level of kindness and gentility that you would give to a small child. Treat yourself with kid gloves, move at your own pace, say no to things, situations, and people who aren’t a match for you at this time, and rest when you feel guided. Listen to your body and know that pushing yourself over your limits will only create more stress, strain, and often lead to the task taking much longer than usual.
There are lots of ways to make this Full Moon time more gentle and supportive, and at the end of the day you’re the very best gauge for what’s right for you. Give yourself permission to listen to what you need and then honor that wisdom.

I’m wishing you a gentle and supportive Full Moon Cycle

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