Finding h.Om.e

Nye Beach 7.2021.jpg

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the energy of a brand new month and all that it holds for you. I just got home after a little respite away. It was my first break since January 2020 and it was really great to have a little breather and some time for rest and relaxation.

While I was away the big theme that kept coming up for me was about home. The irony of having a theme about home showing up while traveling away from home is not lost on me. While I’m a native southern California kid who’s currently living in the golden state, I’ve been blessed to live in lots of towns, cities, and states. I think that when you’ve lived in several places you tend to live by the home is where you hang your hat philosophy. (at least for the most part.)

Home is where we are, and investing in making your home a place that rises up to greet you is a powerful and worthwhile investment. That being said, while I was away; I was in a place that was one of my former homes and there is something very special, even magical about going back to a place that you loved to live. The coastline of my childhood, the sounds, sights, and even the salty air brought me back to days of laughing and playing on that beach as well as enjoying it in real time now. There’s a slipping in and out of time that happens when you go home, to a place that is no longer your home but still feels like home in your heart. Maybe you’ve experienced this too and can feel that experience replaying for you right now.

One of the cool things about living in lots of places is that you understand and experience how you can create these new chapters for your life filled with new people, places, and qualities of life by shifting into a new space. You don’t have to physically move to a new town, city, or state to experience this, even shifting the energy, items, and sometimes people in your home can create a shift in other areas of your life too. If you think about a place you lived, even if it was just on the other side of town several years ago and you think about what that chapter of your life looked and felt like and then you think about where you are now, you can notice the change of one of your life chapters.

So, if home is where we are, and we make a conscious effort to create a home that resonates and honors us to the best of our ability then why all the fuss about moving here or there? Sometimes, as things shift and the story of our lives takes on new tasks, themes, and character arcs, we begin to be guided to new places. It’s like a little beacon or lighthouse turns on, helping to guide us to the next place we’re meant to be. Sometimes, we feel like we’ve been looking for that guiding light for a really long time while other times we think uh oh, nope not now. No matter how we feel about that internal nudge preparing us for the changes that are happening, it’s important to know that inside we can feel and we know when it’s time to make a change. We know when things are shifting and we know that when we honor that inner guidance to the best of our ability, we’ll be able to lean into home wherever that may be.

The truth is that there are places that are better suited for us based on who we are and the values we have about the kind of life that we want to live. Being honest with ourselves about what those things are and where they rank on our lists of joy, happiness, and life satisfaction are big indicators of where we are now and where we’re being guided to go next. Sometimes these values change based on the different chapters of our lives. I definitely wouldn’t choose to move back to the studio I lived in while I was a student but man, I loved that place while I lived there and it holds so many great memories for me. It’s a little time capsule of that time of my life and I’m so grateful for it.

There’s a lot of change happening around home, moving, and shifting gears right now. Maybe you can feel it too. Maybe you’re in the process of moving, just moved, or you’re feeling that lighthouse beginning to flash for you, letting you know that you’re being directed home, to your next home, wherever that may be. However this powerful theme of home and change is showing up for you right now, please give yourself permission to move through it and feel all the feelings that come up for you around this big shift.

While surrendering to change can be challenging sometimes, the more we can let go and allow ourselves to receive the support that’s all around and within us, the easier it is to allow the tide to take us to the next space, place, and calling. As a highly sensitive person, you’re really gifted at finding ways to get things done, create solutions, and quietly manage the things going on in your life while also lending a helping hand to those that you love. Please remember that it’s safe for you to ask for and receive help and support too. Sometimes, we could all use a little tow line to get us out of bumpy waters and I promise you that there are kind loving people who would love to help you move through the changes that are showing up for you right now.

Home is where the heart is and finding h.Om.e is a constant opportunity for us to lean into where we are right now and where we’re being guided to go next. While change is the only constant in our lives, our true north is always within us, gently (sometimes not so gently) leading us home. Our job is to make the journey. My wish for you this month as this theme is really strong, is to take a little time to connect with the energy of what home means for you and how you can lean into the guidance you’re receiving about this powerful thing we call home.

As always, I’m sending you so much support and love from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With Love and Gratitude,

I’ve included a picture from my trip, this picture doesn’t have any filters or adjustments made to it, this is how it really looks and the water was really glowing. I hope it helps bring a little joy and magic to your day.

*Wondering about the h.Om.e?
I know this isn’t the correct spelling but this whole theme brought me back to titling my book. It was a 50/50 on the title and that’s why the spelling on the book has one capital and one lower case letter as it’s a play on finding home and finding OM.

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