Full Moon Must Have's

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Full Moon Must Have’s

If you’re a highly sensitive person, you may find that you’re impacted by the cycle of the full moon.

If you find that you experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shifts during the full moon, then you’re not alone.

Below you’ll find some common Full Moon Symptoms.

These symptoms can show up a few days before the full moon, the day of the full moon cycle, and continue for a few days following the full moon as well; leading to around 7 days of potential symptoms and full moon experiences.

 Common Full Moon Symptoms:

  • I find that Empath’s, HSP’s, and Intuitives experience these symptoms more than those who don’t identify as sensitive.

  1. Slight Fever

  2. Headache

  3. Achy or Highly Sensitive Skin

  4. Increased Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Crowds

  5. Pressure in the Head and or Body

  6. Feeling Lethargic or in Slow Motion

  7. Feeling Foggy or Find it Hard to Focus

  8. Bloating

  9. Nausea

  10. Clumsiness

  11. Intense Emotions and or Deep Feelings

  12. Find Old Issues Resurfacing for Another Layer of Healing or Clearing

  13. Need to be Alone or to be Quiet

  14. Need More Sleep than Usual, Including Naps

  15. Exhaustion

  16. Insomnia

  17. Dehydration

  18. Upset or Sensitive Stomach

  19. Food Cravings

Here are My Must Have’s For This Time:

Please just use this little list as a jumping off place for you to create your must have list or your own Full Moon Kit so you can take good care of yourself during this cycle. I’ve found that once Highly Sensitive People like yourself understand that these symptoms are real, they aren’t imagining it, and they’re connected to a 28 day moon cycle; there’s a feeling of relief. I’ve also found that by understanding how to work with this cycle, sensitive souls can experience a gentler full moon cycle and even glean positives and productive experiences during this time.

Extra Water:

Drinking more water than usual is really important to help with any clearing or releasing you may do during this time. It also helps with bloating or physical discomfort that can show up for you, including dehydration headaches. If you have trouble remembering to drink water when you’re cold like me, you may want to place it in several places where you can easily access it throughout the day.

Epsom Salt + Sea Salt:

More water again, if you have access to a bath tub, I would encourage you to take a salt bath daily during the seven days of the moon cycle. This is one of my favorite ways to add comfort during this time, I find it really helps me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It can help reduce swelling, tense muscles, and support you in releasing anything that’s trying to move on during this time. It’s also very soothing and relaxing. If you have trouble sleeping during this time, an evening salt bath can help you to relax.

If you don’t have a tub or aren’t a bath person, you can do a gentle salt scrub in the shower to help your muscles and clearing process. Be gentle during this process, no need to scrub really hard, you’re just trying to receive support from the salts, not scrape away your top layer of skin.

Comfortable Clothing + Accessories:

I’m one of the people who has a significant skin reaction and increased skin sensitivity during the full moon. I only wear the softest clothing I have during this time, including cozy socks, and layering pieces. When I’m home, I exclusively wear cozy house clothes, fuzzy socks, and use my favorite and softest blanket. I even change my sheets to my favorite set during this cycle because my skin goes to a whole other level of sensitive.

Heat Pad:

Sometimes, the body aches will be uncomfortable for me so I’ll use my favorite heating pad to help soothe any aches, or weird cold bones that can show up for me during this time. This can also help me rest and sleep if I’m experiencing insomnia too.

Favorite Movies + Favorite Snacks:

I like to have my favorite soul soothing movies and snacks on hand in case I feel like I want to slip into another world as part of my full moon self care routine. (Hogwarts Express, here I come.) Food Cravings are a common symptom that can show up and I like to have a few of my favorites available so I can enjoy them if I feel the craving coming on…you’ll find popcorn, salt and vinegar potato chips, and vegan oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies in my snack pack.


I like to be able to write down my thoughts and feelings when those big emotional waves show up for me. I like to look back to see what I’m working through and how it shifts and changes and works out throughout the course of the year.

Essential Oils:

I’m a big oil lover, and if you ever come over to my home or to my professional office, you’ll be greeted by oils. It’s really hard for me to choose a favorite oil, which is a question I get often. I don’t even know if it’s possible to choose just one, so I’ll give you my favorite full moon oil list so you can see which ones are your favorite.

Lavender: It really is the swiss army knife of the oil world and it’s so great for calm, soothing, ang healing support. Drop a few drops in your salt bath for all the calming vibes. Diffuse when you need extra emotional support or add a drop to your favorite carrier oil and rub over your heart chakra for emotional soothing.

Bergamot: Bright, uplifting but also simultaneously soothing, supportive, and calming. This one is so great for so many things plus it’s a member of the citrus family and pairs beautifully with so many oils….for instance like Lavender.  

Frankincense: I mean, it’s such a powerhouse and all time favorite for a reason, it does so much and I don’t even know if there are enough words to explain how incredible this plant oil is when thinking about it’s potential for support. It’s calming, soothing, allows for an easier transition into meditation and prayer, and it helps to clear the air with its natural properties. I always diffuse this during a workshop because it has such a multifaceted support for participants. I love diffusing this during the full moon cycle because it helps me to see the big picture and receive messages and take aways for the issues showing up for me.

Tree Oils: All The Tree Oils Please. I think you either are or aren’t a tree oil person; in the same way that you either are or aren’t an ocean or a lake person. I think that you can appreciate both, the lakes and the ocean but usually people feel more drawn to one over the other and will swim in one over the other and have strong feelings about their reasons why. I digress, so if you are someone who naturally loves being around trees and feel called to be near them and even feel a clearing, and more like yourself when you’re near them, then there’s a good chance you’ll love tree oils.

I’m one of these people, and like other Tree Oil People, I can’t get enough of them. I adore them and really do feel called to use them, especially when I could use some extra comfort, clearing, and emotional support. There are so many tree oils to choose from as you can imagine as there are so many trees. (Thankfully!)

Here are some of my Tree Oil Favorites:

Northern Lights Black Spruce
Idaho Blue Spruce
Idaho Grand Fir
Palo Santo


I find I need more quiet at this time and will give myself permission to turn off my devices early when I need to and will create a quiet environment for myself so I can just be. During this quiet time, I may read a physical hard copy book, knit or stitch, bead, journal, or just watch the flicker of the candlelight mode on my diffusers which are all over my home. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk around my neighborhood and just listen to the birds or just sit and watch the clouds go by. I find that it’s not about a specific amount of time that I need this quiet, my body just knows what it needs and I try to honor that in the ways that feel right for me on any particular day.

I hope this will help you to find some Support Systems that are a great fit for you and your Full Moon Experience. Remember there’s no one way or right way to move through this powerful time; there’s just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. I hope that by leaning into your own personal Must Have list and creating your own Full Moon Kit you’ll be able to experience a more gentle cycle and maybe even experience some positives and some self care too.


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