Recalibrating and Realigning: Remaining Calm In the Storm

Hello and Happy May,
I hope this finds you well as we welcome a new month. Are you feeling the need to stop and remember to breathe as often as I am? The energy has been moving and shifting so much since we last connected and I wanted to share some messages of support with you as we move through these big shifts together. If you’ve been feeling like there’s been a combination of life experiences, life lessons, changes, unexpected shifts, energies, and increased sensitivity happening for you; you’re not alone. If you pair these experiences with the information we see on the news, it can be a lot for anyone to take in, especially for a highly sensitive soul like yourself. You may feel like you’ve been taking one step forward and one step back. I want to gently remind you to take a moment and breathe…scan your body for any tension or tightness that may be holding space within you and let it go. Just for this moment, let yourself breathe and release anything that’s holding space within you….good. It’s important to take these small moments throughout the day to breathe and reset. You don’t have to take a lot of time out of your day to do this, but it does help and it’s very important. Even taking one or two minutes a couple times a day can help to clear out stress, tension, and tightness from your body and mind.

Like you, I’m moving through these big shifts too. When I asked for some messages about this, the biggest theme that came through was about pulling our energy inward and focusing on the basics. As we move through our day to day life, our energy is spread out here and there as we do all the things on our lists. You may notice that as you move through your day, you feel your energy dwindle and you may even feel exhausted by late afternoon. Sometimes, this can lead highly sensitive people to feel like they aren’t trying hard enough to get things done or that they don’t measure up to their colleagues and tend to push themselves even harder. This overextending can increase these experiences of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and tense. By shifting a few things, we can support ourselves in feeling better while also managing the changing energies and big life changes too. (without overextending)

One of the biggest themes that came through about the importance of getting back to basics was about taking good care of our body. You may be receiving this message right now too. This may show up in different ways for different people. Some people may feel guided to start or return to an exercise routine that they used to enjoy. Some people may feel like their body wants to eat and drink gentler foods and beverages. Some people may be guided to increase peace in their lives right now and feel guided to say no to certain invitations or demands on their time. Some people may be receiving guidance about starting or returning to a meditation practice. Some people may be receiving messages about many or all of these things as they are all very prescient right now. Maybe you’re receiving messages about something different but also something that honors your overall wellbeing.

Focusing on taking good care of ourselves so that we can maximize calm, comfort, and focus is the big take away right now. By taking care of the basics, we allow ourselves to move throughout our days in ways that better support and honor our wellbeing which allows us to take better care of the people and callings in our world as well. You can think of the example of being the calm inside the storm. As you honor the messages you’re personally receiving about how to take good care of yourself, you’ll be able to anchor more calm, clarity, and comfort within you and around you. It’s similar to increasing strength or building muscle memory. In the beginning it’s a conscious choice but after a while you’ll find that you’re integrating these positive changes and that the people around you are benefiting from your calm and your focus too.

Sometimes people get nervous about shifting their priorities to taking good care of themselves first as it may not feel natural to them and it may make other people in their lives uncomfortable. This is a real issue and it may feel like an adjustment at first, but taking care of yourself allows you to increase your strength, focus, and ability to do the things that you enjoy without depleting yourself in the process. You may also find that you inspire the people around you to make some changes and to focus on how they can take better care of themselves as well. If there are people who try to discourage you from taking care of yourself, you may want to take a little break from spending time with them if possible. If these people live with you, you may want to reach out for some extra support to help you move through this situation so you can increase healthy boundaries and communication.

Even seemingly small steps lead to big changes when we focus on taking care of ourselves. Investing time in taking care of yourself right now will continue to yield positive results for you going forward. Some of the additional benefits you’ll receive from this process includes but isn’t limited to: increased self confidence, increased self love, and increased self awareness. You may also find that you’re more grounded and focused throughout your day and can more easily move with the changes that are happening. You may also find that you strengthen your ability to hear, see, feel, and know the messages that are showing up for you. Overall, a win-win. No matter where you are right now, you can start by remembering to breathe. Taking a moment to breathe and reset is always beneficial and you can do this practice anywhere and at any time. With the changing world we’re living in right now, focusing on the basics is a powerful way to navigate our lives in a healthy way while also being prepared for the changes that are happening all around us.

I would love to support you during a session if you feel guided to work with me.
I’m wishing you and yours a very happy new month and a very Happy Mother’s Day if you’re celebrating this year.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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