Curating Special Moments | Making Your Peace A Priority
/Hi, I hope this finds you well as we officially welcome December.
I don’t know about you but I feel like time has been moving so quickly over the last several weeks and now here we are greeting the last month of the year. I hope that as you’re reading this, you’re able to take a little time out for yourself to relax, breathe, and take in the messages below that came through for you this month.
As each day grows colder and shorter here in the Northern Hemisphere we naturally feel guided to stay inside, to slow down, and to rest. However, this month tends to be so busy with lots of things to do, people to see, and places to go that it can sometimes feel a bit like a whirlwind. Many times people feel like they missed the holiday season because there were so many things that needed to get done and before they know it, it’s behind them. Maybe you’ve experienced this in the past and now try to make a concerted effort to slow down and take in the season in the ways that are meaningful for you. Sometimes people tell me that they secretly wish they could do _________ during the season but aren’t sure how make a change or do something differently. Shifts and changes are a natural part of life and if you’re being guided to shift something that you have done in the past and add something new or limit some activities this year, please know that you’re being divinely guided.
I’ve often found that highly sensitive people (like yourself) can experience a bit of an energy overload from lots of activities which can lead to feelings of exhaustion and a deep need to recharge your batteries. It can even lead to feelings of anxiousness about how to best prepare for all the get togethers so you feel your best while also keeping your systems in balance. If this resonates for you, you’re not alone. You may want to take a little breath here to help release any tension or tightness that may be showing up around this issue for you. Good. This is completely natural. The great thing is that one of the best ways you can enjoy this festive season while also taking good care of yourself is to be clear about what things or activities are a yes and which one’s aren’t. The great thing about using this technique is that there will be a clear yes and everything else is not a yes. Sometimes challenges come from the “well….maybe I can squeeze one more thing in even though I’m already scheduled pretty tight this week” style of scheduling. This kind of logical override or feeling obligated to make a no into a yes can lead to stress and pressure. When you ask yourself, “Is this a Yes?” You’ll feel, know, and hear it 100%. When something is not a yes, you will also know, it will be very clear for you. This allows you to bypass the “well maybe it can work” situations from the past. If you allow yourself to use this to support you in planning out your activities this season, you’ll find that you get to enjoy even more of the season and will find that your experiences can feel more meaningful and prescient for you.
Sometimes, some of the most magical moments are the ones that seem small, quiet, or simple. You get to decide what moments and memories are meaningful for you and yours. The truth is that the ways that you’re called to celebrate and honor the calling of your heart this season makes every Yes into a significant and special way to mark the season. Maybe you can take a little time today to ask yourself what aspects or activities are important to you so you can get clear on what your month will look and feel like. By taking a little time to find your Yes’s, you may find that you get to enjoy the season in a new way, one that resonates with you and your personal peace. Giving yourself permission to curate the season in the ways that are right for you and yours will be a gift that you and your loved ones will all get to enjoy.
I’m wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, Holiday Season!
As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude, thank you so much for being here with me~
P.S. I would love to hear some of your Yes’s if you feel guided to share them with me.
I’m looking forward to hot chocolate, warm jammies, cozy socks, movies, music, baking, and making some of my favorite holiday dishes this month. I hope to carve out some time for knitting and reading too.
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