February | A Month of Love

Hello and Happy February~

I hope this finds you well as we officially welcome this new month and new energy too. If you’ve been here for a while, you may know that this is my favorite month of the year. As the teeniest month of the year, there’s something special about setting intentions or curating a daily practice throughout the month of February. If it takes 21 days to create a healthy new habit; this month with 29 days (this year) gives us all an opportunity to invest in something we feel called to shift or nurture.

Have you been fine tuning your goals or intentions for this new year? Sometimes it takes a little while to shift into the new year energy and feel ready to begin moving through the themes or dreams you feel called to work on this year. What are some of the things that have been showing up for you? Have you been noticing any messages or nudges about what start with or how to begin? We often receive signs about what we’re being guided to focus on or work on but we may not notice that they’re actually messages or answers to questions we’ve been asking. Sometimes these messages show up as thoughts, or actual words or conversations you may hear over and over again from people you know or from people you pass on the street or in a movie or thread you read online.  Sometimes they may show up as memories or a deep knowingness of what to invest your attention in next. Sometimes you may see pictures, literal signs, or other things like book titles that resonate for you or meaningful songs that are all messages supporting you in this next phase of your life. If you feel like you could use some extra support in receiving your messages, all you have to do is ask your guides and angels for some clear signs in your physical world and you’ll begin to receive your messages in your day-to-day life.

One of the big themes that has been showing up for me lately, and maybe this will resonate for you too is a message about calm, care, and comfort. I think this is a very timely message, especially in a month that has a big theme about love baked right into it. When I think about February, one of the first things that shows up is love. Taking good care of oneself and the people in our lives is a very loving and worthwhile investment, don’t you think? Something that I find over and over for highly sensitive people (like yourself) however, is that it’s often much easier and more natural for sensitive souls to take good care of loved ones and to put themselves on the back burner. A very clear message that I’ve been receiving is about taking good care of ourselves first so that we can be a source of comfort, calm, and support for the people in our lives without burning ourselves out in the process.

As you’re streamlining your intentions for your new year, could you maybe include taking good care of yourself and making self love a healthy new habit during the month of February? If the thought of this makes you hold your breath, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good. (repeat if necessary) Like any new habit, you may feel a little wobbly at first but each day will get a little easier and before you know it, you’ll find that this is easier than you anticipated. I think you’ll find the benefits of taking good care of yourself will be exponential and a win for the people in your life too. You can choose one thing each day throughout the month that fills you up and makes you feel loved and taken care of and you can choose something different each day if you’d like. You get to decide how to honor this nudge to make this month of love a month that also focuses on loving yourself.

Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself and the people you love. You may also find that you feel more grounded, focused, and clear when you begin this practice. This can help you to feel more centered in your life even when things get a bit stormy. Investing in this practice can help you to move through the changing tides with more flexibility and increased stability too. You may also inspire people around you to take better care of themselves as well.

With so much happening in the world around us that it can feel like one day is the equivalent of what once felt like a week of happenings; this theme is not only timely and supportive but it also feels like a salve to the soul. You don’t have to spend any money to honor this call to invest in self love throughout February. Choose to invest in things that support you that are readily available to you right now, today. There’s no one way to do this, only that ways that are right for you. Perhaps you’re receiving some messages and nudges about what some of these things might be right now as you’re reading this message. Trust the divine guidance that you’re receiving and allow yourself to say yes to investing in taking good care of yourself this month and making February a month of self love and the beginning of a healthy habit for you that you can enjoy for years to come. I promise, you’re 100% worth the investment!

If you feel guided to work with me this month, I would love to offer you some support; I’m here for you. I’ve included a special for you below starting today and going through the weekend, ending Sunday night 5 pm pacific time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month filled with kind and loving people, experiences, and opportunities.

As always, I’m sending you so much support and love from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
Thank you so much for being here with me.
With deepest gratitude,

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Moving Gently into the New Year

Hello, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of your new year.
Sometimes when we move into January there’s a feeling that we need to push into the new year quickly or jump into a lot of projects, tasks, or check things off of our to do list. Taking a little time to prioritize what you may be guided to work on or work toward this year is a wonderful way to set some intentions for your new year. However, there is also a deep holiday let down that happens at the beginning of the year which asks us to slow down a little bit so we can reset before we jump into all the things we have planned. If you’re feeling a combination of these extremes, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel your body and your mind wanting to take a little down time to rest and restore. This call to move gently into the new year isn’t a reflection on your ability to make progress on your goals or intentions for your new year. You’re just connecting to your natural body rhythm and inner guidance about what you need right now. It’s okay to move gently, it’s okay to take it slow, and it’s okay to give yourself some grace as you move through the first month of this new year.

Many highly sensitive people, (like yourself) are noticing that they need more sleep than usual right now. (Maybe you’re noticing this too.) You may find you’re being guided to go to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and maybe even guided to rest or nap even if you aren’t traditionally a napper. Trying to honor your own needs to the best of your ability right now will help you to more easily move into a place of readiness when your energy stores are nice and full again. You’ll naturally find your energy begin to increase along with your desire to begin working on your intentions for your new year. There is no rush and no need to push yourself outside of your own limits, just take this time to honor your own inner knowingness about what is right for you right now. If you’ve been experiencing some unexpected forced rest like me, I hope that you’ll be feeling better very soon.

There are a lot of things happening right now including big energy shifts, intense weather, and what seems like big news stories nearly every day. Sometimes these situations even simply reading about them can impact sensitive people in similar ways to those who experience full moon symptoms. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you may want to increase your hydration, increase your rest (to the best of your ability), try to treat yourself with tender care and listen to your body. You may feel guided to increase some of your favorite tools such as essential oils, listening to gentle music or an audio book, meditation, gentle movement, soft and comfortable clothing, and gentle foods and beverages. Even seemingly small acts of self care can make a big difference in helping with the big energy shifts happening.

However this new year has started for you, I hope that you are being gentle with yourself and allowing yourself some breathing room to go at your own pace. Taking time for rest is still doing something productive and it’s an important part of our overall health and wellness.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Making Space for Grace

Happy November!

I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and deeper into this season. For many people this month begins a kick off to holiday gatherings, festivities focused on food, traditions, a change in weather, and a time change on November 6th. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the days become shorter, the nights become longer, and the weather keeps us reaching for warm blankets, slippers, and maybe a cup of hot tea. During this time, we’re being given an opportunity to spend more time inside, to turn inward, to take care of ourselves, and to slow down.

So many people have been experiencing feelings of being burned out, exhausted, and in a lot of ways overwhelmed. Maybe you’ve been experiencing some of these things too. With so much going on around the world, it can be really challenging as a highly sensitive person to manage your personal calling to help where you can while also honoring yourself and taking care of your own energy. Sometimes it can feel like our personal contributions aren’t enough which can weigh on us; however, every action, no matter how seemingly small does impact others and does make a difference. It’s important to take good care of yourself as well as supporting or offering help where you’re guided. Sometimes I find that highly sensitive people (like yourself) can struggle with healer or helper burnout because they don’t realize the signs that their body is giving them to help them rest or recover from all of the activities they’ve said yes to without taking a break in between. Becoming comfortable with slowing down and making space for your own needs is very important and will allow you to have more energy and more bandwidth so you can help in the areas that are calling to you, without taking a tole on you or your health.

This month is bringing in a deep calling to slow down and to take more time for genuine rest. This is a beautiful time to move with the natural shift that’s happening so you can take good care of yourself and your loved ones while also making space for grace. You may find that you want to focus on a few core things throughout your day and that things that were on your to do list a few months ago seem less prescient for you. This isn’t something to fret over, it’s part of this energy helping us to clear the decks and get back to the basics or fundamentals of taking good care of ourselves. It doesn’t mean that those other things aren’t important to you, it just means that they’re taking a back seat to what is important for you right now.

You may want to take a few minutes to think about or feel out what aspects of grace you’re being asked to gift yourself this month. Maybe you need more down time, maybe you need more rest or better quality sleep, maybe you need more gentle foods, maybe you need more joy, maybe you need gentle energy to help sooth your nervous system, maybe you need_________________. There are no right or wrong answers, only the answers that are right for you. As you allow yourself to hear, feel, see, or know the answers that are showing up for you, you’ll more easily be able to align with your personal recipe for support, self care, and grace this month. Slowing down is a gift that we give to ourselves and to the people in our lives that we love. This will allow you to feel more like yourself and to have more energy, excitement, and enthusiasm when you’re guided to say yes to an activity or invitation. Most importantly, this time allows for a deep nurturing and a time to truly slow down and honor what is right for you.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative month filled with gentle people and experiences. I’m also wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving if you’re celebrating this month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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#30MoreDays: Sheltering In Place 2.0…How To Move Forward Now

little cottage.jpg


We made it to April! It feels like a big moment to know that it’s officially April and this is a new month and a new beginning. Even though we’re still sheltering in place, apart… but together… it still feels like this new month is a breath of fresh air and an opportunity to tap into a fresh start.

There’s a definitive shift in this energy, you can probably feel it too, it’s almost palpable. While we’re still sheltering in place, the feeling of this #30moredays feels much different than the last several weeks. The issues that were prescient at the beginning of this stay at home order while still on the forefront seem to be impacting us at home in a different way as we move forward. Are you feeling this too?

There’s a feeling now that we’re all in this together, and that we in some way have found a bit of a rhythm in how we move through our day to day life at this time. We can see how neighbors are supporting each other, the kindness of strangers being shared online, and even the human experience of overwhelm and frustration being shared over the inter-webs. This common theme of connection even though we’re apart has helped us to feel less alone and in many ways seen and understood. The irony of finding community while being inside is so surreal but so powerful at the same time.

So many people have some things sorted out that were up in the air 3 weeks ago.

  • Maybe you’re finding your groove as a sudden + unexpected homeschooling professional.

  • Maybe your littles are streaming their classes via zoom and now you’re a zoom expert even if you’ve never heard that word in this context before all of this.

  • Maybe you’ve found or reconnected to your love of cooking, baking, and hanging out in the kitchen.

  • Maybe you’ve made an effort to create and participate in group chat calls, again getting your zoom skills to a professional level!

  • Maybe you’re enjoying being home and really reconnecting to your space, surroundings, and the healing quality of home.

  • Maybe you’re getting some projects and items checked off your to do list.

  • Maybe you’ve picked up your musical instrument, knitting needles or crochet hooks, paintbrush, garden gloves, or a book you’ve been meaning to get to when you had some down time.

  • Maybe you’re still working full time from home and you’ve found a way to adjust to a new normal work wise.

  • Maybe you and your partner are both working from home full time and are finding a way to get into a rhythm in your work space and style.
    (Do you need it silent while your partner works best while blasting music and talking super loud to their clients?.....Does this seem super specific? It is, because this is a peek into my situation, lol)

  • Maybe you (or your loved one) is an essential professional and are working on the front lines at this time. We all see you, yes, all of us, the global community see’s you and we appreciate you!

As we move into this next phase of sheltering in place, I see that a deep focus on self care and gentility is very important.

The first phase focused a great deal on what felt like an overnight adjustment to nearly ever part of our day to day life. A crash course in how to do everything differently beginning now was the overall feeling.

Sheltering In Place 2.0 feels more like a deep call to gentility, slowing down, and being very gentle with ourselves. Yes, all the things still need to be done but this feels different than last month.

The majority of everyone I worked with or talked to last month was scrambling to do all the things they needed to do while also trying to find ways to keep busy since they couldn’t leave the house. One of the biggest themes that showed up for people was an intense level of stress, anxiety, and the biggest one forgetting to breathe.

Yes, forgetting to breathe.

Maybe you’re noticing right now that you’ve been forgetting to breathe too.

When we’re under stress, the body goes into a natural stress response and we begin to either hold our breath or breathe through our mouths. (No, mouth breathing isn’t the natural way the body is set up to breathe.)

It makes perfect sense that during a crisis all of us would experience an increase in stress which turns on our natural stress response.

So, making a concerted effort to remember to breathe right now is very important. You can set an alert on your phone to give you a gentle reminder. You can place a sticky note on your fridge, laptop, or bathroom mirror. You can ask someone you live with to gently remind you to breathe if they notice you’re holding your breath. Any ways that support you in breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth will be very beneficial for you right now.

Even taking 3 deep breaths in through your nose slowly and exhaling out through your mouth will help to reset your body and help to clear away stress and tension from your body and mind.

This month as you set your intentions for April and for your #30moredays maybe you can make the theme about self care and self love.

Sometimes these become buzz words and people think oh yeah I know all about that but they don’t really implement them into their daily lives. This is a perfect time to practice these very important support services for yourself and the people sheltering in place with you.

I’ve included some ideas to support you in slowing down and being gentle with yourself during shelter in place 2.0. This is just a small list to help you generate some of your own ideas, this is by no means a be all end all list.

Quiet Time:
Yes, remember quiet time? Schedule this into your schedule daily this month. A 10 minute block a day will make a huge impact in how you feel. You can practice conscious breathing, meditate, or journal during your quiet time. Please don’t use your quiet time to scroll as it tends to ramp up stress and anxiety and this is time for you to reset, restore, and replenish.

Walk It Out:
Many communities are still allowing walks in your neighborhood; if you’re one of these folks, lace up your shoes and walk it out. You’ll physically move stress out of your mind and body and you’ll increase your endorphins while also getting some much needed fresh air and sunshine.

Music Over Scrolling:
Listening to music soothes and supports the nervous system and actually increases mood.
Scrolling Instagram or whichever platform you love can increase tension, stress, and fear energies. So, opt for listening to music rather than going into a scrolling hole.

Slow is the New Hustle:
Focus on Moving Slower. Breathing Slower. Doing Things Slower.
You may notice that you feel guided to push yourself harder, to go faster, to get it all done, to not stop until everything is finished. When you notice this, breathe and take a moment to refocus. This isn’t a time to be pushing yourself to go against your natural body rhythms but to reconnect and honor your natural pace which is much slower than what you’ve become used to in last 2 decades.

Get Grounded:
When we reconnect to our true selves, our body, and the natural world we become more grounded, focused, and in tune with our real feelings, thoughts, emotions, and sense of self; we feel more like the real us. If you have house plants, water, propagate, and slow down with them. Maybe you can plant a little garden on your balcony or in a patch of dirt in your back yard. Smudge your home, spruce up your space, get outside and if it’s warm enough take off your socks and shoes and put your feet in the grass while you watch the clouds roll by.

Lean Into What Soothes Your Soul:
Choose to do things that you haven’t been able to do but genuinely love. It may be something that you haven’t done in years or it might be something seemingly simple like playing a board game or putting together a puzzle. Make a pot of tea and drink out of your favorite fancy “waiting for the perfect day” tea cup.  Make something, bake something, do the DIY’s, dry flowers and herbs, learn to make those tinctures you’ve been wanting to make, wear your fancy pajamas just because they make you feel good…or anything that soothes your soul.

This is a perfect time to honor and truly practice real self care and self love.

  • Go slow.

  • Do what you can right now but honor your needs at the same time.

  • Breathe.

  • Reconnect to you and honor and invest in your needs, wellbeing, and rest right now.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world!

I’m still working and available to support you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

With so much love and gentility,

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