Grace | Gratitude | Grit

Happy November!

I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and officially move into the last couple of months of 2023. This year has been a bumpy one for so many people and as we prepare to start this new month, I wanted to share the messages and themes that I’ve received for November. You may be receiving these messages too because as a highly sensitive soul, you’re aware of the subtle energies and shifts happening around and within you.

In the states, we celebrate Thanksgiving in November and there’s a large focus on the theme of gratitude at this time of year. You don’t need to live in the states to embrace or focus on gratitude in your life, this month or any month. However, this practice can help to shift our focus to a place of reflection on what it is that we’re grateful for and research shows that this practice can reduce stress and increase happiness. These are only a couple of aspects or outcomes that people report when participating in active gratitude activities. I often find that it also increases love and opens the heart chakra for clients. I’ve often found that it can help to clear and open up stagnant or slow energy as well and help to get energy, inspiration, and even creativity moving for people. There are lots of ways to participate in a gratitude practice and there are videos, blog posts, and entire books devoted to the topic. However, what I know for sure is that there are no right ways to do this; there are the ways that work best for you,  your schedule, and personal style. If you feel guided to participate in a gratitude activity throughout the month of November, this is a wonderful day or week to start. You may want to document how you’re feeling on day 1 of your process including stress levels, health, and overall well being so you can reflect back on that at the end of the month to see all the takeaways that you personally receive from the process.

You may be thinking that gratitude seems like a very prescient theme for this time of year and may wonder how it stands out as a specific message for the month. The big themes that have shown up for this month include a deep focus on taking care of the nervous system, immune system, and our inner personal strength or constitution. When we look at these themes, one of the biggest aspects that ties all of them together is stress or stressors. I know, not a very flowery or fun topic. However, this has been the strongest theme for us as we move into this month.

The nervous system is the first line of defense for us as we go about our daily lives and when we are overly stressed we can experience an overwhelm or even an overload on our system. This can create a lot of different experiences for people including but not limited to exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, and feeling as if you have limited bandwidth for stress. This experience can have an impact on your immune system as well and can lead to feeling off or unwell or even experiencing a lot of the cycles of sniffles and yuck. Both of these can impact your personal strength or constitution by making you feel like you don’t have enough get up and go to get things done. This can lead to feelings of self doubt, worry, or even passing on positive experiences or opportunities.

The good news here is that each of these aspects work together, hand in hand as a team. As we pour into and take care of one of these aspects, we automatically help to support the other aspects at the same time. As we invest in these areas this month, even in seemingly small ways, we’re more easily able to move through the energy, news, and day to day experiences that are happening within and around us. When we look at the overall message, we can see that it’s about taking good care of ourselves.

Another word for Grace is Kindness.
Another word for Gratitude is Appreciation.
Another word for Grit is Determination

  • When you see and feel the impact of these words, and think about how to apply them to yourself, what kinds of images, thoughts, or feelings show up for you?

  • When you think about ways that you could support and honor your own systems and personal well being, what things show up for you right away? Why?

  • Which of these three words do you feel you’re being guided to focus on the most right now? Grace, Gratitude, or Grit? Why?

  • Which of the three words feels the most challenging for you to honor or pour into for yourself?

  • How can you find ways to increase this aspect in your life even in seemingly small ways?

Hopefully by answering these questions, you’ll be able to better understand the areas or themes that are especially prescient for you right now. Like most things, you may find that you share common interests with people in your circle about how to honor these aspects of your life. However, you may have a different style than some of the people in your circle too. This is about finding the ways that work for you because these will be things that resonate with you and your lifestyle and allow you to continue to practice them in your daily life.
I’ve included some items below that can help to support these themes of Grace, Gratitude, and Grit while we work to honor our systems this month. Please remember this is not a be all end all list in any way. This is just a small list to help inspire you to create a practice or system that is right for you.

Grace | Kindness

  • Using positive words to describe yourself to others and to yourself

  • Making space for rest and relaxation even if for only 15-20 minutes each day

  • Treating yourself the way you treat others

  • Watching a favorite movie or show that you love, just because.

  • Reading for pleasure

  • Listening to or playing music

  • Enjoying a creative project

  • Taking a nap or going to sleep early if you feel tired

  • Using the fancy dishes, table linens, or candles that you always save for someone special. (You’re someone special)

  • Make a meal or a special dessert that you really love just for the fun of it.

  • Ask for help when you need it and allow someone to help you when it’s offered.

  • Drink more water

  • Eat nutrient dense foods

  • Add broths, ferments, and other nourishing foods to your meal plan

  • Take vitamins and minerals

  • Learn a new skill or hobby that you’ve been wanting to try

  • Laugh out loud, for real, watch or listen to things that make you laugh

  • Play and have fun

Gratitude | Appreciation

  • Participate in a gratitude practice (in any way that resonates for you)

  • Get outside into nature to see and take in the beauty and changes that are happening all around you.

  • Walk or participate in gentle movement or exercise. Taking care of the body is a deep appreciation practice.

  • Practice something that you love and is intrinsically part
    of who you are

  • Tell someone in your life what they mean to you

  • Read through old letters or look through old pictures of people and places that have deeply impacted your life.

  • Ask someone you trust (or as many people as you feel guided to include) to share 3 aspects about you or 3 words to describe you to help you better understand and appreciate your impact on the people in your world.

  • Focus on increasing the aspects of your life that bring you joy, happiness, glee, and overall peace. (Only you know what these are and any increase in them in any amount counts as an increase.)

Grit | Determination

  • Focusing on one step at a time

  • Having a clear focus on what you’re working toward and continuing to make concerted effort toward that goal.

  • Reaching out for support from people in the area of your focus

  • Saying no to demands on your time and energy if it’s draining you or creating extra strain and stress.

  • Saying yes to positive opportunities and experiences.

  • Celebrating small and big wins

  • Saying yes to support and love from people in your inner circle and even from your outer circle

  • Knowing when to take a break and when to begin again.

  • Resting when you’re guided so you have the energy to cultivate momentum again when you’re ready.

  • Taking inventory of how far you’ve come as a reminder that everything you’ve been through in the past is proof that you’ve gotten to where you are today from determination and taking things one step at a time.

I hope this will inspire and support you as we move through this month, together. Remember, it’s not about how many things you’re doing, it’s about finding the ways that are right for you to honor and support you through this process. It may be 2 or 3 things that you know you’re being guided to do that make you feel great and add value and joy to your life right now. As you pour into any of these aspects, you will automatically support the other aspects as well, cultivating a positive experience for yourself and supporting you as you move through these themes, this month.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this month, I’m wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Moving Gently into the New Year

Hello, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of your new year.
Sometimes when we move into January there’s a feeling that we need to push into the new year quickly or jump into a lot of projects, tasks, or check things off of our to do list. Taking a little time to prioritize what you may be guided to work on or work toward this year is a wonderful way to set some intentions for your new year. However, there is also a deep holiday let down that happens at the beginning of the year which asks us to slow down a little bit so we can reset before we jump into all the things we have planned. If you’re feeling a combination of these extremes, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel your body and your mind wanting to take a little down time to rest and restore. This call to move gently into the new year isn’t a reflection on your ability to make progress on your goals or intentions for your new year. You’re just connecting to your natural body rhythm and inner guidance about what you need right now. It’s okay to move gently, it’s okay to take it slow, and it’s okay to give yourself some grace as you move through the first month of this new year.

Many highly sensitive people, (like yourself) are noticing that they need more sleep than usual right now. (Maybe you’re noticing this too.) You may find you’re being guided to go to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and maybe even guided to rest or nap even if you aren’t traditionally a napper. Trying to honor your own needs to the best of your ability right now will help you to more easily move into a place of readiness when your energy stores are nice and full again. You’ll naturally find your energy begin to increase along with your desire to begin working on your intentions for your new year. There is no rush and no need to push yourself outside of your own limits, just take this time to honor your own inner knowingness about what is right for you right now. If you’ve been experiencing some unexpected forced rest like me, I hope that you’ll be feeling better very soon.

There are a lot of things happening right now including big energy shifts, intense weather, and what seems like big news stories nearly every day. Sometimes these situations even simply reading about them can impact sensitive people in similar ways to those who experience full moon symptoms. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you may want to increase your hydration, increase your rest (to the best of your ability), try to treat yourself with tender care and listen to your body. You may feel guided to increase some of your favorite tools such as essential oils, listening to gentle music or an audio book, meditation, gentle movement, soft and comfortable clothing, and gentle foods and beverages. Even seemingly small acts of self care can make a big difference in helping with the big energy shifts happening.

However this new year has started for you, I hope that you are being gentle with yourself and allowing yourself some breathing room to go at your own pace. Taking time for rest is still doing something productive and it’s an important part of our overall health and wellness.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Making Space for Grace

Happy November!

I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and deeper into this season. For many people this month begins a kick off to holiday gatherings, festivities focused on food, traditions, a change in weather, and a time change on November 6th. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the days become shorter, the nights become longer, and the weather keeps us reaching for warm blankets, slippers, and maybe a cup of hot tea. During this time, we’re being given an opportunity to spend more time inside, to turn inward, to take care of ourselves, and to slow down.

So many people have been experiencing feelings of being burned out, exhausted, and in a lot of ways overwhelmed. Maybe you’ve been experiencing some of these things too. With so much going on around the world, it can be really challenging as a highly sensitive person to manage your personal calling to help where you can while also honoring yourself and taking care of your own energy. Sometimes it can feel like our personal contributions aren’t enough which can weigh on us; however, every action, no matter how seemingly small does impact others and does make a difference. It’s important to take good care of yourself as well as supporting or offering help where you’re guided. Sometimes I find that highly sensitive people (like yourself) can struggle with healer or helper burnout because they don’t realize the signs that their body is giving them to help them rest or recover from all of the activities they’ve said yes to without taking a break in between. Becoming comfortable with slowing down and making space for your own needs is very important and will allow you to have more energy and more bandwidth so you can help in the areas that are calling to you, without taking a tole on you or your health.

This month is bringing in a deep calling to slow down and to take more time for genuine rest. This is a beautiful time to move with the natural shift that’s happening so you can take good care of yourself and your loved ones while also making space for grace. You may find that you want to focus on a few core things throughout your day and that things that were on your to do list a few months ago seem less prescient for you. This isn’t something to fret over, it’s part of this energy helping us to clear the decks and get back to the basics or fundamentals of taking good care of ourselves. It doesn’t mean that those other things aren’t important to you, it just means that they’re taking a back seat to what is important for you right now.

You may want to take a few minutes to think about or feel out what aspects of grace you’re being asked to gift yourself this month. Maybe you need more down time, maybe you need more rest or better quality sleep, maybe you need more gentle foods, maybe you need more joy, maybe you need gentle energy to help sooth your nervous system, maybe you need_________________. There are no right or wrong answers, only the answers that are right for you. As you allow yourself to hear, feel, see, or know the answers that are showing up for you, you’ll more easily be able to align with your personal recipe for support, self care, and grace this month. Slowing down is a gift that we give to ourselves and to the people in our lives that we love. This will allow you to feel more like yourself and to have more energy, excitement, and enthusiasm when you’re guided to say yes to an activity or invitation. Most importantly, this time allows for a deep nurturing and a time to truly slow down and honor what is right for you.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative month filled with gentle people and experiences. I’m also wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving if you’re celebrating this month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Food for Your Soul

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The last couple of weeks a strong message and theme has been showing up for me and I was wondering if you’ve been receiving it too. It’s a message about needing deep genuine true rest, comfort, and care. Not in the sense that I should take a few extra minutes to get up from my desk and stretch between appointments or to make sure that I’m getting outside (when the smoke isn’t too thick), or turning off my screens an hour before I want to sleep at night. The message was about a deep true rest, one that I need to invest in so that I can off load a deep layer of heaviness that is ready to clear. Heaviness from grief over news stories, built up stress, and the day to day intensity of being a highly sensitive person in a not so sensitive world.

Are you receiving this message too?

As a highly sensitive person, (like yourself) it’s imperative that we find ways to take good care of ourselves so that there isn’t a bottoming out of our energy, strength, and sense of joy and life satisfaction. Even if you’ve been doing your daily practice, you may have noticed that there’s something else happening and that you’re in need of something more than your usual recipe of hsp self care.

Please know that if you’re feeling this too, you’re not alone.

Just like you, I have a full schedule of responsibilities and things that need to get done so creating space for a deep rest was an opportunity to stretch my scheduling muscles. Like most things, there’s no one way to honor the divine downloads that you receive. It’s not so much about how you do something, but that you find the ways that are a fit for you and your needs; even if it looks different from someone else.

For me I needed to physically rest my body while also doing something to feed my soul.

I tried to do some things that I really enjoy, so I tried working on an easy knitting project…that didn’t work. I tried to make some fun diy’s that were running low around the house…that didn’t work. I tried to putter around in my garden…that didn’t work.

So, I decided to actually allow myself to lie down and rest and the thing that I did to feed my soul was watch some people I love on youtube cook, bake, and create things. It was really relaxing, soothing, and on a deep level very healing for me. It felt comforting to watch people prepare meals, bake beautiful cakes, preserving food while canning, and making dresses, window boxes, and all kinds of things. This may not seem like a worthwhile investment of my time, but it was exactly what I needed. I could feel that heavy layer that was ready to clear lifting off of me while I truly allowed myself to rest and reset.

No multi tasking, just rest.
No list making, just rest.
No planning, just rest.

Our body and soul knows what we need, but a lot of times we try to work around this wisdom for a variety of reasons. If we can make space, even a small segment of space to honor the messages we’re receiving, we can shift more easily. Maybe the message you’re receiving about rest and feeding your soul will look completely different from my message; the only thing that matters is that you listen to the messages that you’re receiving so you can take good care of yourself right now.

Maybe you’re being guided to:

  • Increase more laughter, so watching something that makes you literally laugh out loud will be on the menu for you.

  • Increase music in your home whether you play it yourself, or by listening to music, or having it on in the background instead of television.

  • Change the foods or beverages you’re eating to something gentler to give your body a rest so it can more easily digest and help increase your energy.

  • Let go of something that has run its course allowing your life to become a little more gentle, calm, and comforting.

  • Read for pleasure, even if that means reading a book you’ve read before, just for fun.

  • Or ________________________________.

You know what kind or rest and care you’re needing right now, please give yourself permission to honor your wisdom.

If you find yourself wondering, “Is this it?”

Take a deep breath, in through your nose, and out through your mouth and then ask yourself,

“What kind of rest and soul support do I need right now?”

Then pay attention to any feelings, ideas or memories, words or sounds, images, tastes and smells you receive. These are messages for you about your personal recipe of soul soothing support right now.

Honoring the messages that you receive even in seemingly small segments of time is a worthwhile investment and it will yield huge dividends for you.
No matter what your personal recipe of support looks like right now, know that it’s the exact right one for you. Just like in *cooking, you can add a bit of this and that to create the perfect dish that’s right for you.

My wish for you is that you will carve out a little bit of time to honor your messages right now and take good care of yourself. We need you! We need that kind, compassionate, beautiful spark that you bring to this world.

Thank you so much for being here, I truly appreciate you!
If you feel guided to work with me this month, I would love to support you whether through and Intuitive Session, Energy Treatment, or a Coaching Session.

I’m sending you love and deepest gratitude from my teeny tiny corner of the world to you.
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Just For Today

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As we begin to round the corner on the end of 2020, with the finish line in sight, sometimes it’s this last bit where we need a little more energy to get through the last lap.

If you’re feeling a little meh or a little burned out, trust me you’re not alone.

You know everyone is collectively feeling this way when as a planet we are fine with not knowing what day it is or what time it is and we’re all just riding this wave of one day transitioning into the next.

Most people I talk to are ready for restrictions and lock downs to be finished while we’re simultaneously hearing about the next round coming up; and watching second rounds already happening for people in other countries.

All of this intensity takes a huge toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Even if you’re doing all the things and taking great care of yourself and your loved ones. (Awesome job by the way!) This still takes a toll on all of us.

So, if you’re feeling a bit beleaguered today, please know that you’re not alone.

Please know that it doesn’t mean that you need to push harder, do more, or that you’re aren’t trying hard enough to make things better.

  • It means that your soul is tired

  • It means that your body could use a bit of genuine rest

  • It means that you are emotionally taxed

  • It means that you are mentally at your capacity and could use some self care

It means that you’re going through an extraordinary experience and it’s a lot, a whole lot, and you’re doing an incredible job.

A powerful way to shift some of the heaviness you may be feeling individually and collectively as a highly sensitive person is Counting Your Blessings.

While this may seem too simplistic to make a shift or impact at the level you want or need; I promise you, it will create a shift for you.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make this most significant shifts.

When we focus on our blessings, even 1 thing, anything, we open ourselves up to grace, receiving, and gratitude.

We automatically shift into our heart center and this helps us to shift to a place of gentility, love, and healing.

Sometimes it can be easy to get stuck in the thinking, fixing, and problem solving space. There’s a time and a place for that, absolutely; however, staying in that energy can disconnect us from feeling and noticing what is working, what is good, and what we do have in our life that we consider a blessing.

This isn’t a Pollyanna painting over our reality type of thing.
It’s an opportunity to name and feel grateful for our blessings which helps us to come into our heart center, to lighten our load, to reset, and to have more insight when we go back to solving a problem and creating solutions.

This exercise is like a breath of fresh air.

It literally lightens our load and allows us to come back into our heart, even if only for a few moments throughout the day.

Just for today, try to find and name 5 blessings in your life.

You can choose anything you want, only you know what your blessings are for you.

  • Pay attention to the way you feel when you find and name a blessing.

  • Pay attention to the things that it makes you think about.

  • Pay attention to the memories, insights, and ideas connected to this particular blessing.

  • Pay attention to all the messages that come flooding through for you, today.

Just focus on today.

Be where you’re at right now.

In the middle of the stuff, in the middle of the all the feels, right now, just for today.

Try to find and name 5

Even if you can only find and name 1, it’s still a win!

I’m sending you love and I want you to know that I’m supporting you and cheering you on as we continue to round the corner of this last lap of 2020 together.

With love from my teeny corner of the world ,


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