No Tricks, Just Treats

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it’s a blue full moon tomorrow (2nd full moon this month) and…Halloween!

The energy feels extra big, extra special, and extra ripe for deep healing, releasing, and marking the moment in the ways that feel right for you.

If you’re here in the Northern Hemisphere, then you may or may not have Halloween cancelled where you live. It’s cancelled where I live. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may have Beltane celebrations being cancelled.

No matter what community activities are or aren’t happening, you can still make the most of this time in the ways that speak to you. Let the range of activities slide from the silly to the serious for potential contenders tomorrow.

Movie Marathon with all your favorites from childhood all the way up to now.

  • It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

  • the Garfield Halloween Cartoon (Don’t know the official name, but you know which one I mean, right?)

  • Harry Potter

  • Hocus Pocus

  • Practical Magic

  • Ghostbusters

Any Scary Movies you might like (I have no recommendations for you because I can barely handle the scary scenes in Harry Potter without covering my eyes. Yes, seriously.)


  • Dress Up and give yourself permission to eat your favorite candy and treats

  • Do a Zoom Halloween Party

  • Decorate Your Windows or Front Porch for any littles going to see Halloween decorations while staying in the car.


  • Make a simmer pot filled with all of your favorite fall things.

    • Apples, Pears, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, Cardamom Rosemary, Lemon, and Oranges and then enjoy all the cozy vibes that fill your home.

  • Bake something inspired by the season that’s a fan favorite in your home.

  • Make a special essential oil roller for a theme you want to focus on this season.

    • Manifesting

    • Miracles

    • Meditation

    • Spiritual Gifts

    • Peace

    • Joy

    • Fun

    • Romance

  • Make a special meal that represents this season for you. Set your table in a way that feels uplifting for you and then eat at the table. (Light the candles, or turn on the led’s, play music, and enjoy your meal.)


  • Take some time to do some internal work about what you’re releasing that’s no longer serving you.

  • Do some healing on some old or repeating themes that have been showing up for you.

  • Honor your departed loved ones, guides, angels, and spiritual support team.

  • Take a moon bath and star gaze (maybe while drinking apple cider)

  • Ask for answers to a question or issue that you may be dealing with right now and allow yourself to receive the answers that come through for you.

  • Enjoy some quiet meditation

  • Lean into the gifts that come with the veil being so thin and so gentle


Anything that resonates for you.

This isn’t so much about what you do, but that you do something that resonates for you.
Mark this moment and lean into the energy a bit in whichever ways are right for you.

There’s magic in the air right now, tap into it.
Accio Wand!

With love and magical blessings,


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Just For Today

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As we begin to round the corner on the end of 2020, with the finish line in sight, sometimes it’s this last bit where we need a little more energy to get through the last lap.

If you’re feeling a little meh or a little burned out, trust me you’re not alone.

You know everyone is collectively feeling this way when as a planet we are fine with not knowing what day it is or what time it is and we’re all just riding this wave of one day transitioning into the next.

Most people I talk to are ready for restrictions and lock downs to be finished while we’re simultaneously hearing about the next round coming up; and watching second rounds already happening for people in other countries.

All of this intensity takes a huge toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Even if you’re doing all the things and taking great care of yourself and your loved ones. (Awesome job by the way!) This still takes a toll on all of us.

So, if you’re feeling a bit beleaguered today, please know that you’re not alone.

Please know that it doesn’t mean that you need to push harder, do more, or that you’re aren’t trying hard enough to make things better.

  • It means that your soul is tired

  • It means that your body could use a bit of genuine rest

  • It means that you are emotionally taxed

  • It means that you are mentally at your capacity and could use some self care

It means that you’re going through an extraordinary experience and it’s a lot, a whole lot, and you’re doing an incredible job.

A powerful way to shift some of the heaviness you may be feeling individually and collectively as a highly sensitive person is Counting Your Blessings.

While this may seem too simplistic to make a shift or impact at the level you want or need; I promise you, it will create a shift for you.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make this most significant shifts.

When we focus on our blessings, even 1 thing, anything, we open ourselves up to grace, receiving, and gratitude.

We automatically shift into our heart center and this helps us to shift to a place of gentility, love, and healing.

Sometimes it can be easy to get stuck in the thinking, fixing, and problem solving space. There’s a time and a place for that, absolutely; however, staying in that energy can disconnect us from feeling and noticing what is working, what is good, and what we do have in our life that we consider a blessing.

This isn’t a Pollyanna painting over our reality type of thing.
It’s an opportunity to name and feel grateful for our blessings which helps us to come into our heart center, to lighten our load, to reset, and to have more insight when we go back to solving a problem and creating solutions.

This exercise is like a breath of fresh air.

It literally lightens our load and allows us to come back into our heart, even if only for a few moments throughout the day.

Just for today, try to find and name 5 blessings in your life.

You can choose anything you want, only you know what your blessings are for you.

  • Pay attention to the way you feel when you find and name a blessing.

  • Pay attention to the things that it makes you think about.

  • Pay attention to the memories, insights, and ideas connected to this particular blessing.

  • Pay attention to all the messages that come flooding through for you, today.

Just focus on today.

Be where you’re at right now.

In the middle of the stuff, in the middle of the all the feels, right now, just for today.

Try to find and name 5

Even if you can only find and name 1, it’s still a win!

I’m sending you love and I want you to know that I’m supporting you and cheering you on as we continue to round the corner of this last lap of 2020 together.

With love from my teeny corner of the world ,


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Changing Seasons | Changing Energies

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Happy 1st day of Autumn, or 1st day of Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere!

It feels like a huge shift by moving into this new season; the last one felt so long and drawn out. I don’t know about you but 2020 has left me feeling a bit exhausted and at times feeling weary. However, this shift in season even though it’s still hot where I am, feels like a palpable shift in more ways than one.

One of the ways I like to welcome a new season or a significant shift is by doing something that feels like it marks the moment. It doesn’t really matter what it is per se, just that it’s something that feels meaningful to me.

Yesterday, I smudged my home and then did an intentional mopping of my home with fresh rosemary and lavender from my garden to help prepare for the shift in season and as a marker for the last day of summer. I set intentions to clear away anything lingering that wasn’t positive, helpful, or needed as we move into a new season.

Today, I’m making a meal that feels aligned with the season as a way to welcome or mark the day. I also put out some things around my home that feel more cozy, calm, and aligned with the seasonal shift. Hopefully it will be here soon, because for one of the first times ever in my life, I’m looking forward to the cooler weather…I’m not usually a big “ber” person…I prefer longer days and flip flops.

There are lots of ways to mark a moment to make it feel special and anything that shows up for you or that feels like a fit is perfect. There’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

  • Today is a great day to set some intentions for your new season.

  • This is also a powerful time to reflect back on things that are coming into a harvest or collection space for you.

This has been a strange and intense year with lots of challenges, however it’s still an opportunity to see what things you’ve accomplished, achieved, moved through, and learned over the last 9 and a half months.

  • Give yourself some gold stars on your star chart for the wins you’ve had this year.
    (Including perseverance)

  • Focus on some things that you’re releasing and why you’re ready to let them go.

  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to make some space for your personal joy, peace, and needs in this new season.

I’m wishing you a beautiful and gentle new season, filled with kindness, calm, and support.

I’ve included a New Season Flash Sale for you Below.
You can schedule for any day you choose, but you must place your order today; sale ends at 5 pm pacific time.

With love from my teeny corner of the world,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. A huge thank you for the messages, good vibes, and prayers you’ve sent to me about the fires, I am so appreciative! We’re still dealing with the fires, however I’m still in my home which I’m incredibly grateful for every single day. Our go bags are still packed, but we’re praying the fires will be out soon.

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Simplify. Streamline. Stillness


Happy September!

I don’t know about you, but August felt almost as long as March did and I’m so grateful for a new calendar month. September always seems to mark a significant shift for me as we officially move into the “ber” months and can see the end of the year in sight even though we still have a way to go…it’s definitely in sight. For many this also creates excitement for a new season and all that it brings with it, cozy vibes here in the northern hemisphere and all the spring energy for the southern hemisphere. (Plus… it’s officially canning season…if you know, you know. wink)

This year though…it feels a little different.

2020, it’s still bringing so much tumultuous energy and ups and downs. September marks 6 months of lock down for me here in California and for many other states too. There’s a variety of closures and lock down levels all over the globe still happening combined with a lot of intensity. However, that being said there’s also a great deal of love, support, and service showing up in the middle of everything happening.

Maybe you’re experiencing this.

Maybe you’re creating this experience for someone else. (Parents + Teachers I’m looking at you)

Maybe you’re experiencing a bit of both.

One of the big themes that keeps showing up as we move into this new month is all about taking good care of ourselves and getting things back down to the basics.

I keep seeing this is especially important for highly sensitive people, like yourself.

The key words that came through for September were: Simplify. Streamline. Stillness

Even when I look at those words, I can feel a level of calm and comfort wash over me.

I hope that you can feel that gentility too.

I could clearly see this message as creating a calm in the eye of the storm.

Even with so many things happening around us, reaching for these themes this month will be a deep support system for highly sensitive souls.

This theme is not something to add to your to do list or make you feel like you have to find yet more energy or extra minutes in your day to experience this support.

It’s the exact opposite.

This is all about clearing away the things that aren’t needed right now to create space for you to be supported. Taking a few minutes today to mentally check in with yourself about what isn’t needed will allow you to begin this process of simplifying and streamlining.

You can probably think of several things right out of the gate that are not needed and not happening this month. Great job! Let them go and feel yourself feeling lighter already. Choosing to let things go this month doesn’t mean you can’t circle back to them at another time, it just means that you’re not going to add stress to your plate thinking about it, it’s off the menu completely.


I keep seeing an image of space, empty space. When you walk into a home, shop, office, or physical place (remember going into places?) that feels light, uplifting, and clear; you’re feeling space. You can physically feel open space and it feels good to us because it allows for breathing room and room to decompress.

So, think of this letting go as a way to create space for you this month. As you let go of extra things to do and you make your priorities the basics of what you need and want to focus on, you automatically get the calm and breathing room.

Now, you may be thinking “what if I can’t figure out what to let go and how to bring things back to the basics?” Just take a breath for me, you can do this.

There’s no one way or right way to do this and your way may look different than mine and that’s okay. The only thing that matters here is that you listen to the messages you’re receiving about how to move into the theme of Simplify. Streamline. Stillness.

You may decide that decluttering and donating is a must to get things out that need to go.

You may cut back your plants and put your gardens to bed or prepare them for cooler weather plants.

You may organize the piles of stuff for all the zoom calls and move all the things into their officially organized places so you can use your dining table for eating again.

You may put a stop to a project that needs to become a lower priority so you can do something more pressing.

You may feel guided to _______________________.

As you take action on the things that are showing up for you to simplify your life, you’ll also receive messages about how you can streamline your systems and day to day life too.

That’s the really cool and even magical thing about simplifying, you open up to solutions, and create space for the ways to implement processes that are going to be supportive for you.

These processes can be as simple and significant as setting up your coffee pot before you go to sleep so you wake up to fresh coffee.

Doing a quick pick up before going to sleep so you wake up to a space the feels good to you.

Laying out your things for the next day of zoom calls, phone calls, or whatever is on deck for you.

Prepping some food, snacks, or green drinks for a few days.

Setting out your workout stuff so you can get up and get it done right away.

These are just a few things that can help you to streamline and support your own wellbeing more easily.

As you focus on simplifying and streamlining you move into the stillness piece.

Getting into that quiet space that helps you to feel fulfilled and supported comes more easily when excess, white noise, and chaos energy is reduced to the best of our ability. When you clear away the things that aren’t needed you make space to lean into the things that fill you up allowing you to enjoy that stillness.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean silence.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean sitting on your meditation pillow.

You may find that stillness and connection through music, or through creativity. That stillness inside of us is stirred and nurtured when we do things that resonate with our souls. When we’re under great amounts of stress we need this connection even more and it often becomes one of the things that goes onto the back burner.

As you clear away the stuff that isn’t a focus this month, you make space for the things that do matter.

You matter.

Taking good care of yourself matters.

Investing time, even seemingly small amounts of time into the things that soothe your soul are worthwhile investments.

You are a worthwhile investment.

Creating space for breathing room is a gift that keeps on giving.

You are deserving of this gift.

So, at the beginning of this new month, please take a few minutes today to think about and connect with the ways that you can honor this theme of Simplify, Streamline, and Stillness for yourself and your home.

Trust the messages that come through for you, you know what is right for you.

As we buckle in for a month that feels like it’s bringing with it some intense energies and experiences, and as you choose to take good care of yourself, you’ll move through September more easily.

Focus on honoring your sensitivity by making some small but significant shifts this month.

You can do it and it will be worth it. Yes, you are worth it!

I’m sending you so much support as we walk through this time, together. We may not be able to see each other in person but I’m still here to support you over the phone, skype, or through distance sessions.

With deepest love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. In case you were wondering or if you’ve seen some of my Instagram stories; yes, I’m canning every little free minute that I can get and setting things up before I go to sleep and getting up really early to get a few more jars filled and a few more recipes off my check list.

Like most things this year, 2020 has made canning season a little more challenging too. There’s an aluminum shortage in the US, so there aren’t many lids or bands available which has forced me to choose only a fraction of what I usually put up each season. That’s okay, I’m so grateful that I’m able to do what I can and have been enjoying making jams, sauces, mustards, and more. I’m going to keep going until my last jar is filled and enjoy every minute of canning season even if it’s a little different this year. :)

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Exhaustion, Fatigue, and Burn Out: How to Reset, Restore, and Replenish from Healer Burn Out

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Hi, I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing.

So much has happened since the last time we connected so I thought I would check in with you.

Last week, I hit a wall. You know the feeling right, when all of a sudden your body just says, yep, that’s it that’s all, I need a rest.

Even though you’re doing all the things you’re supposed to do to create a support system for yourself; sometimes you need more rest and genuine respite.

In addition to hitting a wall, I also put my back out, which is super frustrating + not fun at all. I was able to keep working which was great but in between sessions, I was resting and lying flat on the floor and doing all the things. (I’m much better now.)

The theme that kept coming up for my clients last week was deep exhaustion, burnout, and fatigue.

Maybe this resonates for you too.

With everything happening all over the world right now, it’s taking a deep toll on all of us.

No matter what you’ve been called to do on a personal level, you’re still being impacted physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually every single day.

Every single one of us are being called to the actions that are a fit for us and they may look different than someone else’s. However, they are equally important and equally impactful on you and your well-being.

One on the things I’ve been hearing a lot is that people don’t feel like they’re doing as much as someone else they know personally or based on something they’re seeing on the gram.

The overall feeling is that they don’t believe they deserve to feel so exhausted because they perceive their contribution as being less than someone else’s.

This belief can trigger feelings of guilt which can lead to trying to do more even if your body is telling you to take a rest.

This can also lead to worry, anxiety, insomnia, and lowered immune system to name a few symptoms.

Any kind of intensity and trauma is deeply impactful on all areas of our lives; and 2020 has been a nearly non stop influx of intensity. This level of stress is completely depleting for all of us and it’s natural for the body to experience physical signs letting us know we need to genuinely rest.

If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone; in fact you’re in really good company and you’re right on time. Collectively, it feels like we’re all experiencing this need for deep rest across the board.

Like most things, there’s no one way or right way to experience rest, renewal, and restoration; there’s only the things that resonate for you based on your needs.

I’ve included the messages that I’ve received about this for you below so you can see which ones resonate for you. You’ll find that different things resonate for you on different days depending on your energy level and personal needs. However, what I know for sure is that this need for a deep rest is something we all need to honor.

Physical Support:

  • Increase Hydration + Water
    Stress increases dehydration in the body so if you’ve been feeling parched, increase your H2O

  • Move your Body
    Gentle movement is what’s been showing up, walking, stretching, and low impact activities

  • Light Foods and Beverages
    Light, gentle, and cooling foods are showing up to help the body process + work more easily. Heavy foods, alcohol, and sugars can create inflammation in the body which can make you feel sluggish and fatigued.

  • Vitamins
    Vitamin D from the sunshine is a big support system. There’s an overall message about increasing your vitamins and minerals so that you keep your immune system strong. (Especially because stress depletes the immune system.)

  • Grounding
    Get your bare feet on the soil, sod, or sand as often as you can so you can absorb the negative ions and electrons from the earth and offload any surplus of positive ions you may have stored due to living under a tech umbrella. (This is especially important right now since so many people are working from home and their homes are filled with wifi.) Grounding helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

  • Detox
    Infra Red Sauna or Sweating can support clearing away toxins that may be stored in your body contributing to inflammation and feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. Please use Infra Red Sauna according to the safety regulations. (You can detox by moving your body too, this is a natural detox system we have built in which is why we sweat when we exercise.)

  • WiFi
    Turn your router and devices off while you sleep. Keep your phone out of the room or at least away from your head while you sleep. WiFi can lead to sleep disturbances, inflammation, and even intense nightmares especially for highly sensitive people. Turning off your router allows your body to truly rest and drop into deep reparative REM sleep more easily.

  • Sleep
    Increased quality sleep is so important right now. The way the body heals is during sleep, so it’s imperative you’re experiencing deep REM sleep daily. Even if you need to nap and you aren’t a napper, give yourself permission to nap.

Mental and Emotional Support:

  • Talk About Your Feelings
    Find someone you trust you can talk to about how you’re feeling; don’t hold everything inside of you because you don’t want to “burden” someone else. You need to find a way to release and talking is a powerful support system.  You can contact a professional if you don’t have someone in your circle to support you.

  • Write
    Journaling is another powerful way to process your thoughts, feelings, and insights. Even if you aren’t a journaling kind of person, just writing on notebook paper or even post its and then throwing it away can help a lot.

  • Take A Break
    Take a media break. The brain doesn’t differentiate between what you see and what you experience; it thinks it’s all happening to you so it turns on all the chemicals and trauma responses inside your body as a support system for you. We aren’t meant to be flooding our bodies with adrenaline and cortisol all day every day. These stress hormones take a huge toll on our bodies.

  • Boundaries
    Say no to extra demands on your time, including but not limited to picking up the phone when you know that you can’t deal with any more additional stress from others.

  • Lean Into Activities You Love
    Investing time in things that honor you and fill you up are like an elixir for your body, mind, and spirit. So, play music, work in your garden, swim, ride your bike, make art, read a book, color, soak in your tub, or anything else that resonates for you.

  • Let Go of Comparison
    Focus on what you’re being called to do and honor that wisdom. Remember you may be called to something different than someone else and that’s okay. You may Not be called to showcase your efforts online; release the need to explain why you aren’t placing your actions into the public arena. You know what you’re being called to do.

  • Oils + Sense of Smell
    Trauma is stored in the amygdala of our brains. The olfactory system which is also housed there, pairs scent with trauma. So, this is why people have such strong smell memories connected to traumatic events. The power of smell allows us to clear and heal trauma and move it out of the amygdala so we can begin to clear it. Oils, flowers, herbs, and simmer pots can all help to release tension and trauma from your mind and body.

Spiritual Support:

  • Meditation
    5 to 10 minutes of daily meditation will help to reduce the stress and tension in your mind and body and bring you back to a place of balance and feeling more like yourself.

  • Calling on Your Angels and Guides
    You are not alone, even if you feel lonely. Call on your spiritual support team to help you in all areas of your life. You can also ask them to give you a clear sign in your physical world that you’ll easily notice and understand to let you know they’re with you.

  • Tools
    Toning, Smudging, Singing Bowls, Space Clearing etc. have been used throughout time because they work and allow us to clear and connect to our higher selves and spiritual support systems. If you have some tools that resonate for you, get them out and use them.

  • Prayer
    The power of prayer has been documented over and over again and it works. If you’re called to pray for yourself, or someone else, this is a powerful support system. You can also ask to be placed onto a prayer list if you would like to receive prayer.

  • Ask for Support
    Reach out for additional support whether through an intuitive session, an energy treatment, or other kind of spiritual support service that resonates for you. These kinds of sessions create huge shift, clearing, and a deep reset for the body, mind, and spirit.

Creating a recipe of support which resonates for you right now will offer you the extra support you need to begin to truly rest, restore, and replenish. Remember there’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you. Even if you “know” this please remember to implement this so that you can keep your body, mind, and spirit strong and balanced.

We need you.

You’re important, valuable, and seen.

Your contributions matter.

You make the world better by being here.

You deserve to feel healthy, happy, and strong.

Resting is an action.

Healing is an action

Investing in wellness is an action.

Honoring your needs is a healthy and honorable cause which benefits everyone.

I’m sending you love and support from my little corner of the world to yours.
If you’d like to get some oils, click here or send me a note through the contact form.

With love,

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Lean Into Where You're At, Right Now

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I wanted to send you a little note to let you know that I’m thinking about you and also to remind you that…

It’s okay to be where you’re at right now.

Even if you are feeling meh.

Even if you are feeling all the feels one minute and then not so much the next.

Even if you aren’t sure how to feel or what to do because you’ve kinda done all or most of the things you had on your list.

Even if you just find yourself feeling somewhere between where you were yesterday and where you want to be tomorrow.

It’s okay to be where you’re at right now.

Yep, even in those same sweats, yoga pants, and top knot.

Even in the spaces where you don’t even feel motivated to do anything but watch something you’ve already watched countless times.

Even in…
Yep, even then.

As we move deeper into our time at home; lots of stuff is coming to the surface and we’re all going through it, you’re not alone. Even if you’re physically sheltering at home alone, you’re not alone.

The highs and lows of this experience is no joke and you’re not imagining that it’s like a roller coaster with twists and turns you may not have expected.

Like most things, there’s not one way to move through this time; there’s only the ways that are right for you. However, the more you can allow yourself to be where you’re at, the gentler you’ll be on yourself at this time.

Sometimes, highly sensitive, high functioning, overachievers (like yourself) can tend to put their own needs and feelings on the back burner from time to time. (cough cough…most of the time) During an intense life event like this one for example it can be easy to lean into trying to do more and to keep pushing uphill.

While getting things checked off your list is great, it’s also critical to acknowledge when the thing on your list is to rest, feel the feelings, have a hard day, ask for help, and just be where you’re at right now.

Leaning into where you’re at doesn’t mean that you’re neglecting the things you want to do or need to do during this time. It means that you’re choosing to place yourself on your list too. While self care might look different to you right now than it used to, it’s still care and right now what we all need more of is care.

Tender loving care.

So, take a breath and ask yourself how you’re feeling today and what you need to do for you.

I promise you, you’ll easily hear, see, feel, or know the answer and I encourage you to give yourself permission to honor the answers that you receive.

Without guilt

Without shame

Without judgement

Without compromise

Honor where you’re at right now and lean into it.

Your body knows what it needs.

Your soul knows what it needs.

Your mind and emotions know what they need.

You know what you need.

Take good care of yourself right now in the ways that are right for you.

Right in the middle of this mess.

Right in the middle of where you are right now.

Right in the middle of all the things you have to do.

Right in the middle of all of it, take good care of yourself and lean into where you’re at right now, right this minute, today.

If you could use some support right now, please reach out for support from the people in your circle even if they aren’t sheltering at home with you.

You’re not alone, even if you feel lonely.

I’m sending you so much love from the middle of where I’m at right now, today.

I see you, I’m here for you, we’re in this, together.

With love,

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Working through Highs + Lows + Feelings of Being Stuck

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I can’t believe it’s already May; can you? I feel like this year has been such a combination of slow, slow quick, quick. (If you ever took ballroom dance and that made you think of dance class, me too.)

I’ve talked to so many people recently whether it’s clients, friends, family, or colleagues who’ve told me they feel like they’re in some kind of holding pattern and it’s been challenging trying to balance that feeling while also staying motivated. If you resonate with this feeling, you’re not alone. In addition to this feeling of waiting there are lots of people going through big changes, big shifts, and big stuff too.

Maybe you find yourself raising your hand for both groups.
Standing in a waiting room + Moving through all the stuff.

Like you and so many people this seems to be the general consensus for folks. I’ve also found myself raising my hand for both groups as of late. So, when life gets into these cycles of big changes and the waiting that comes along with perfect timing; how do we move with the cycles instead of feeling like a wheel is rolling over us?

The truth is that there is no one way to do this and there is no one right way to do this; there are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. However; I thought that I would share some of my favorites with you in case you could use some extra support as you move through some big shifts right now too.

Change of Scenery

Sometimes simply getting outside and away from your home or office to take a breather can be a huge help in releasing the tension or stress that you’re carrying around with you. If you can go to a favorite park, the beach, a hiking trail you love, or simply a walk around the neighborhood; you’ll find that you can let down and get back to your center more easily. If you’re able to take a little trip out of town, even someplace not too far away it can help you to physically get some space so you can decompress and focus on something fun, uplifting, and hopefully relaxing.

Change the Energy

Stress has a huge impact on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Often, we’re not even aware of the impact it’s having on us because we build up a tolerance to it as it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. However, when we’re under a lot of stress, we often notice a difference in the way we feel. As stress increases, our energy decreases.

You can increase your energy by listening to or playing music. You’ll feel your energy begin to shift right away, find some music that feels good and uplifting to you and let it move you back to a place that feels more like you. Changing your food by eating lighter and gentler foods and increasing your water can also support your energy management. Things like Smudging your home and office also help to shift your energy and the energy of your spaces. Receiving a Chakra Balancing or Energy treatment will help to move out the heavy energy and help you feel more like yourself again. Saying no to things, people, and situations which don’t feel supportive to you and instead creating a gentle space for yourself will help you find more balance.

Self Soothe

Think about all the self care things that you’ve put on a shelf for whatever reason. This is the time to get them down and start applying daily. Things like, Epsom Salt Baths, your favorite DIY treatments, watching your favorite movie, or taking time to invest in your creative outlet. Maybe you have a stack of books on your bed side table just waiting for you to begin reading. Maybe what you really want is to put on your favorite jammies, get into bed early, and watch old reruns of your favorite Friends episodes. It isn’t so much about what you do, it’s that you’re doing something consistently. If you need to get your stuff out where you can see it so you’ll be more likely to use it, by all means get your stuff out where you can reach it.

Move Your Body

When we move our body, we release and remove stress. This is why so many people get a workout in when they’re feeling overwhelmed because they can leave it on their mat when they’re finished working out. You don’t have to go to the gym or to a yoga studio to do this; any way that you can get some exercise will leave you feeling lighter and more like yourself again. Go for a bike ride, walk around your block, do a YouTube workout in your living room, get up a good sweat while you’re mopping your floors, or washing your own vehicle, or working in your garden. Just find ways to keep moving your body.

Be Prepared

Okay, for all of you that feel like you’re in a waiting room waiting for a new doorway to open, this one is for you. This is such a specific feeling that everyone knows what it feels like to have a combination of anticipation, excitement, anxiety, and frustration all at the same time because you know you’re about to go through a big change but you’re still in the waiting room. Get as prepared as you can to walk directly through that door when your name is called. What does that mean? It means to do things that may not be super fun but are very necessary to set you up for success and a smooth transition when it’s your turn. Things like: Updating your resume and cover letter, updating your media kit, updating your website, looking for new places to live, getting in contact with your mortgage lender or real estate agent, researching programs, classes, or universities that may be a fit for the direction in which you are moving. In whatever area you know that you’re about to experience a change, start to tick off all the things that you’ll need to do to be prepared when your door open to you. If you feel unsure of how to do any of those things, reach out for help from someone who can help you whether that is a friend or a professional. Don’t wait until your time arrives to scramble and try to throw everything together at the last minute. Prepare for a smooth transition.

Ask for Help

Whether you ask for help from people and professionals in your real life or you’re googling all the info and insight that you can find on the inter-webs, reach out for help. If you feel stuck and you ask for help, you’ll notice that you can shift the way you feel plus gain insight that will help you move forward. I call that a win win.

In addition to asking for help from people and the google, I encourage you to ask for help from your angels, guides, and anyone you feel aligned with spiritually. If you are like me and you love to receive physical signs letting you know that you’ve been heard and are being helped, just ask. I like to ask for a physical sign in my real life that I easily notice and understand to let me know that I’ve been heard and that I’m being helped. Feel free to use this one too if it resonates for you. I like big, bright, bold signs so I know right away it’s for me and this works well.

I know this was a long message this time, but I know that you’re going through a lot or you know someone who’s going through a lot. I hope this will offer you some support and comfort as we all collectively move through this time of great change.

I’m sending you lots of love and support,
Kristy~ xoxo

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