Reflecting + Retrograding = Reprioritizing

Can you believe it’s officially June and we’re halfway through the year? I don’t know about you, but this year has felt like a wave of repeats in so many ways. Some days feel like they’re happening over and over again while other days and weeks just seem to meld into one another and it feels like I can’t believe another month has passed.

Are you feeling this too?
It’s like we’re collectively and individually getting to experience the malleability of time.

Here we are, halfway through the year, with an equal amount of time ahead of us as the amount of time that is behind us. This is an opportunity to create a marker for ourselves and for the projects or aspects of our lives that we’ve been working through so far in 2021. Maybe you’re like me and really love these kinds of markers because it gives us a chance to do some review, some planning, and some opportunities to see where there’s room for streamlining as well as doubling down on some of the things that are on our list for the year.

If this isn’t really your cup of tea, that’s okay too, even taking a few minutes to think about what your themes for the year have been so far and what kinds of things or aspects you’d like to have more of in the next 6 months (or maybe not so much of) still counts as honoring this 6 month marker. It’s a palpable shift for us no matter which ways we choose to move through this doorway of the year.

In addition to this halfway energy that’s happening for us this month, we’re also moving through Mercury Retrograde right now. Isn’t that perfect timing for a little review of our year so far? During these times we’re often given opportunities to rework, redo, reveal, review, etc. during these retrograde cycles. You can think of the re words that are showing up for you right now; and begin to see some themes that you are personally working through during this retrograde cycle in addition to the things you’re experiencing in your day to day life.

Some of these themes can include but aren’t limited to:

  • Rest

  • Restore

  • Renew

  • Replenish

  • Reset

  • Rejuvenate

  • Relaxation

  • Reinvent

  • Reestablish

  • Regenerate

  • Research

  • Revisit

  • Return

  • Rejoice

  • Revoke

  • Refuse

  • Re____

If you’ve been part of the Chloe Ting sensation over the past year or so, you may actually hear the words and music “rewind time everybody” playing in your head right now when you think about re words and that would be a great example of this energy.

Not only are we being given a chance to review, readjust, and reset our personal plans right now, we’re also experiencing some repeating themes on a larger scale that we’ve all moved through together over the last year and a half too. We’re already seeing severe lockdowns again in the UK, parts of Canada, and there are messages about other locations experiencing similar regulations soon. Even among smaller regions like counties and states there are varying degrees of orders and regulations being implemented at this time.

Some of the things that I’ve seen around this issue include some similar pinches in availability of products and goods that we’ve seen in the last 16 months or so. Depending on where you live, you may have been experiencing some grid and communication issues, especially in the last few weeks. I see more of these kinds of things popping up for many places. Again, we see this is a big theme when we move into a Mercury Retrograde time in any year; so it’s a great time to make sure you’re saving your work, backing up, and keeping your devices charged to the best of your ability.

You may feel inclined to pick up a few extra things you may need from the store, or fill up your gas tank in your vehicle, and have some extra water on hand too. I’m a native southern California kid so we always had earthquake kits set up just in case, and this is a good time to set up some things that you may need or that seem to be running low just in case there’s a pinch in the supply chains.

This is also a good time to do some clearing up around your home and property especially if you live in a state that has fire issues when the weather heats up; and to have things on hand if there are repeats with the grid powering down during the fire season.

As you can see, this is a big moment we’re moving through right now and as a highly sensitive person, I know you’re feeling this big energy too. Please remember that as we continue to move through this time, it’s really important to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself and that you’re building in some quiet recharge time for yourself so you can come back into balance throughout the day. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, and there’s no one way or right way, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

It isn’t so much about what you do to honor your needs as a gentle soul but that you do something each day, even if only for a few minutes here and a few minutes there. All of the investments you make to honor your needs and the messages you’re receiving about taking good care of yourself, add up to big positive shifts for you and the way you feel. Yes, you’re worth it!

I’m so looking forward to working with you this month whether you schedule a reading, energy treatment, or coaching session.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative Mercury Retrograde cycle and a wonderful month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Retrograde Remedies

Here we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde which lasts until the 22nd of this month. While this phenomenon gives us the opportunity to review, rework, and revisit aspects of our life, sometimes it can bring some other things into our world as well.
Highly sensitive people may find that they feel or experience things in a magnified way during this time. Sometimes these experiences can include physical issues within the body in addition to a heightened connection to their spirituality.
Some common physical issues which can show up for highly sensitive people during this time can include, but are not limited to:

  • Low Grade Fever

  • Headache

  • Sinus Pressure

  • Brain Fog or Trouble Focusing

  • Body and Skin Tenderness

  • Releasing of Toxins through the Skin (filmy and itchy moisture on skin)

  • Lethargy

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Irritability

  • Frustration

  • Angst

  • Emotional Rollercoaster

  • Sensitivity to Light

  • Sensitivity to Sound

  • Easily Overwhelmed by Crowds

  • Desire to Stay Home

These physical symptoms along with the opportunity to review, rework and revisit aspects of our lives can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Below you’ll find my top 5 ways to
Embrace some Much Needed and Well Deserved Self Care

Please feel free to adjust, tweak, or create your own ways to offer yourself some TLC right now.
Detox Bath Treatment
If you’re a bath person like me, this one helps to reduce stress and tension that could be holding space within your body. This also helps to soothe achy skin, detox symptoms, and sleep disturbances.
Add these to your bath and literally let the stress and retrograde symptoms release from your body.

  • 1 Cup of Epsom Salt

  • 1 Cup of Sea Salt

  • 3 Tablespoons of Baking Soda

  • ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Optional

  • Add chamomile, lavender, or green tea (these will offer additional support and soothing)

Relax and stay in the bath for at least 10 minutes.
It’s a good idea to turn off your phone or other devices so you can just let go and rest during your bath.
Simmer Pots
These are a great way to add some pure essential oils to your home, relaxing you, while also making your home smell good. This also adds moisture to your home helping to soothe your skin and sinuses.

  • Fill a stock pot with water, place on your stove at medium heat

  • Add fresh herbs of your choice.

  • Rosemary and Lavender are very relaxing, soothing, and calming

  • If you don’t have fresh herbs, you can toss in some tea bags or several drops of essential oils

Allow the pot to simmer and infuse the air with the calming and healing properties of the herbs you select. This will calm everyone in the house including fur babies. I love using this method because it's a quick and effective way to help shift the feeling within your home.
It’s important to keep an eye on the stock pot so you can turn it off when the water begins to run low.
Keep the pot away from small hands and animals and always turn off your stove when you leave the house.
Burning sage is a powerful way to clear the energy within you and your home. This method has been used for generations and now we finally have medical research showing that burning sage purifies and cleanses the spaces where it’s used, providing a physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual support element for users.  

Burning sage also creates a palpable shift within the body and the space you’re clearing, helping you to feel lighter and more like yourself again.
You can find sage at most health food stores.
Please use sage responsibly and never leave it burning. I like to use water to stop the burning when I’m finished smudging.
Sound Therapy
This is a powerful way to create a gentle and soothing feeling within your home. This is one of those things that you don’t have to put too much effort into and you reap all of the benefits.

Music impacts the central nervous system and by playing gentle soothing sounds, your body will automatically relax and help to move you into a rest, restore, and renewal state.

Listening to nature sounds, spa music, crystal bowls, or other soothing music will automatically allow you to decompress and reduce stress or tension. You can use Pandora or Spotify for free if you don’t already have gentle music at home.
Make a Nest
This may be one of my favorite ways to nurture self care during a retrograde. Sometimes, what we need is to make a nest and invest in downtime.
You will Need:
A space all to yourself, a sofa, nook, or cozy corner
Coloring Books, Crayons, or Colored Pencils
Stuffed Animal
Cup of Tea
Knitting Stuff
Stack of Movies that you Love
Anything else that feels comforting to you
Place your devices onto silent and begin to nest.
You may want to have a movie marathon, or a book reading extravaganza, or a coloring day. It doesn’t really matter what you choose to do as long as it’s something that feels soothing to you. You’ll want to have everything you need within arms’ reach of your cozy nest so you can just be once you’re all set up.

Sometimes this is healing on a level we don’t even realize that we need until we invest in the nest. You may even want to take a nap in your little nest, whatever you want to do, give yourself permission to go for it. Remember this is a time for self care, so think of things that feel gentle and nurturing for you.
No matter how you nurture yourself during this retrograde time, please remember to be gentle with yourself, move at your own pace, and try not to go against the wisdom of your body. The more that you can honor what you know is right for you, the gentler this time will be for you.

This isn’t about neglecting your responsibilities during this time, but rather making yourself a priority during this time.
Wishing you a wonderfully gentle Retrograde

P.S. Do you know someone who could benefit from some Retrograde Remedies? If so please pass this on to them for me, thank you so much! 

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