And Away We Go...

Hello and Happy April,

I hope this finds you well as we officially move into the waves of the new energy that’s happening right now. You may notice what a big shift there has been since the last time we connected. Do you feel energized, focused, and ready to take on some projects that have been on your list? Do you feel guided to clean out, clear up, or streamline physical items, situations, and relationship dynamics? Do you feel like your body wants to focus on gentle foods, beverages, and even gentle energies? Maybe you’re feeling called to rest and receive? Maybe you’re feeling all of these aspects coming online for you seemingly all at the same time. If you said yes to any or all of these experiences, you’re tuned into the energy that’s coming through for all of us right now.

We’re receiving a big increase in light, energy, inspiration, and support to help us in moving forward in the ways that are aligned for each of us. You may find that the things that you’re being guided to focus on are similar to those of your friends and loved ones and some of you may find that your focus is more singularly focused. You’ll know what you’re being guided to focus on by your natural interest, inclination, and inspiration. As you follow your own divine guidance in regards to what you’re upgrading and shifting right now you’ll find that you begin to move forward and gain traction organically. If you’ve been feeling that this year has been a bit of a slow starter for you, take heart because this surge of energy is offering all of us a huge help in moving out of the winter slumber and into this burst of forward motion and change.
Along with this increase in light and new energy, some highly sensitive people (like yourself) may be experiencing some ascension symptoms. These symptoms can vary in the way they show up for people but some of the experiences can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Headaches

  • Body Aches

  • Low Grade Fever

  • Dehydration

  • Exhaustion and or Fatigue

  • Need for More Sleep

  • Insomnia

  • Ringing and or Pressure in Ears

  • Sinus Pressure

  • Skin Sensitivity

  • Intense Dreams and or Lucid Dreams

  • Old Issues or Memories Coming up for Healing

  • Need for Quiet

  • Need for Strong Boundaries

  • Need for Time in Nature

  • Increased Sensitivity

  • Need for Rest

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, please know that they will pass and the best thing you can do is to give yourself grace and to go at your own pace to the best of your ability. You may find that after the symptoms dissipate for you, you’ll notice an increase in your energy and clarity. You may also find that you feel lighter and more attuned to the new frequencies that are coming through at this time.

Another big theme that’s showing up right now is about big changes and fast changes. You may find that aspects that you felt weren’t shifting at all and maybe you even felt that they were in some way a “lost cause” may change very quickly in ways you may not have been expecting. If there’s been something you’ve been cultivating for some time and in your heart you know that you are being guided to continue to nurture it, please honor that guidance and wisdom. This is powerful time to pour into your dreams, goals, and hopes for yourself. Remember, every step no matter how seemingly small creates momentum and forward motion. If there is someone you need to call, something you need to research, a professional you need to reach out to, or anything at all to support your dream, please give yourself permission to say yes to this wisdom.

Self care often goes hand in hand with themes of big changes and ascension shifts. You may notice this theme showing up for you too. The big take away right now is about gentility. It may seem like a contradiction in terms to focus on forward motion, change, and also gentility; however, this is the big underlying message showing up right now. When you think about ways you can honor your own gentility, what kinds of messages, feelings, images, words, or thoughts come up for you? These are insights into your personal pathway during this time. There’s a big focus on finding ways to honor and balance making changes while also taking care of yourself. There’s a shift away from feeling or believing that only one aspect can be honored at a time. Sometimes, this shift in perception can be an adjustment, especially for highly sensitive people. Often sensitive souls choose to focus on what must be done believing that once the chore chart is complete there will be free time for them to invest in something they want to do just for fun. Often, that isn’t the case and over time it can lead to prolonged enjoyment and then often forced rest in the form of not feeling so great. (no fun at all.) This is a powerful time to practice this balanced approach to blending big changes, a big surge in energy, and honoring gentility and self care simultaneously.

So, for example you may feel inspired to create a garden space this season and begin the process of physically making the space and learning how to sew seeds for your area. You may feel guided to work with the natural rhythm of your body rather than trying to do everything all at once. You may find that you allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying the process rather than pushing yourself to treat this as a job. You may also find that this project helps to calm your nervous system and helps you to slow down. This may also be an activity that allows you to get outside, capture some quiet time, and move into a moving meditation while honing a new skill. All of this allows you to move forward on something you wanted to do while enjoying it at the same time. This quality of balance and gentility mixed in with the energy of big change and forward motion is allowing us to truly take good care of ourselves while also realizing and experiencing changes.

So, as you’re moving through this very exciting time of big changes during the month of April, please give yourself permission to ask how you can add gentility, self care, and enjoyment to the forward motion you’re experiencing right now. It will make this experience that much more positive and supportive for you.

I’m wishing you all of the very best as you honor and nurture the shifts and changes that are happening for you and yours at this time. I would love to support you and take a look at anything showing up for you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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Here Comes the Sun

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome April!

It’s finally Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and even though there’s a lot of cold weather still happening for so many, the promise of warmer weather, sunshine, and new beginnings are here. I’m writing to you today from my home where it’s raining and cold but my tulips and violas are coming up and bringing with them a lot of joy, at least they’re bringing a lot of joy to me anyway. I think this is such a perfect analogy for this month and this time of the year. Even if things feel like they’re not shifting or maybe it feels like they aren’t shifting fast enough; when you take a look around you, you’ll see signs and messages letting you know that the shift is happening.

The beginning of Spring brings more light and length to our days and we find little markers here are there letting us know that the new season is upon us. You may notice that you’re beginning to have more energy, or that you’re feeling guided to get going on things that you’ve been meaning to do, or that you feel inspired to start something brand new. This is also a great time to dig into home projects whether inside or outside. You may feel that there’s almost an alarm clock ringing for you imploring you to begin some Spring cleaning. You may find yourself watching organization videos, or looking at home inspo photos to see what you’d like to incorporate into your own space. Maybe you’re feeling guided to start a garden this year, even if it’s a small potted garden on your patio. Maybe you’re being guided to increase your movement and you feel excited to try a new practice or go back to something you’ve previously enjoyed. All of these stirrings that happen at this time help us to re-set our homes and simultaneously help us to re-set our wellbeing. This is also a great time to re-set our goals or intentions for the year.

Moving into the beginning of Spring allows us to move with the energy in a really beautiful way. If you think of Winter as a season of being indoors and a time of rest, you can think of this first part of Spring as a time where we’re being guided to make shifts but also to take breaks. We may have days where we feel really inspired and energized and other days where we feel guided to rest and take it easy. We see this reflected in the seasonal changes too, rainy days and sunshine: cold days and warmer days. It’s like we’re being given this beautiful opportunity to move into this new season with built in structures for balance. Due to our modern lives and the demands that we’re all managing each day, it’s so nice to have an opportunity to practice balance as we start this new season.

Today, on this first day of April, I invite you to spend a little time tuning into the stirrings that you’re feeling or noticing within yourself right now. Are you being called to anything new? Do you feel guided to return to something that has been shelved for a better time, perhaps now? Do you notice or see any solutions to help you streamline any areas of your life? Do you know that it’s time to clear away some things, issues, or situations that are ready to be released? Are there things you want to bring into your life right now? Perhaps you’re longing for more joy, fun, and opportunities to spend time with people you love. Your answers to these important questions are your personal messages about how to move through this time and the beginning of this new season. You may share some similar experiences with other people in your circle which is fantastic because you can support each other during this time. You may also have some aspects that are just yours and that’s okay too. The messages, stirrings, and divine guidance that you’re receiving right now creates the personalized recipe for your needs. The more you can pay attention to the stirrings of your soul the more you’ll be able to nurture and cultivate the aspects of this season that are blossoming for you.

My wish for you this month is that you will allow yourself to honor the messages and wisdom you’re receiving while also enjoying this new season and the new opportunities it brings.

I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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