Beat The Bloat Spa Water Recipe


Beat the Bloat Spa Water Recipe

This is a really easy way to support your body if you’re experiencing bloating or swelling and it tastes really good too. The great thing about this recipe is that there’s endless options so you won’t get bored and if you can slice fruit, you can make this at home.

You’ll Need:
Citrus: Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit (Your Choice)
Fresh Basil (Optional)
Water Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
(Any Other Fruits/Veggies/Herbs that you enjoy)

Slice your fruits and veggies
Add them to your Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
Add Water
Place into the Refrigerator to Infuse overnight
Then, pour into a glass, drink, and enjoy!

Have fun with this recipe, use things that you love and create recipes based on your favorites.


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Anti-Inflammatory Green Drink Recipe


Anti-Inflammatory Green Drink Recipe

I love green drinks and this is one of my favorite recipes.
This green drink is really easy to make, filled with phyto-nutrients, and it tastes light and refreshing too.

You’ll Need:
1 Washed and Separated Stalk of Celery
1 Large or 2 Small Cucumbers
1 Granny Smith Apple: Washed, Cut, and Cored
2 Big Handfuls of Spinach
1 Large or 2 Small Peeled Lemons
A Juicer (This is not the same thing as a Blender)

Add all ingredients into your juicer
Pour into A Glass
Enjoy your cooling, hydrating, nutrient dense green drink which will help your body to detox, absorb nutrients and minerals, while reducing inflammation all at the same time.


Kristy~ xoxo

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Detox Citrus Bath Treatment

Citrus Bath.png

I'm a big bath person and I believe there's a bath for nearly every life situation. If you're feeling a little sluggish, are getting over something, want to reduce inflammation, or you want to maintain your body's great health, this detox bath recipe is great. This treatment will also help to shine up your skin and scalp while pulling stored toxins from your body. (Yes, you'll need to dunk your head for the scalp treatment.) Because of the detoxifying nature of this particular treatment, you'll want to drink water during your soak, but more on that below. I hope you enjoy this invigorating bath treatment.

2 Cups of Epsom Salt
1 Cup of Baking Soda
1 Cup of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Large handful of Fresh Mint (Peppermint or Spearmint, your choice)
1/4 Cup Dried Green Tea or 4-5 Tea Bags
2 Limes Sliced
1 Large Lemon Sliced
1 Grapefruit Sliced

Draw bath with hot water to your comfort level, test the heat before entering water.
Dissolve Salts while bath is filling
Add Apple Cider Vinegar while bath is filling
Roll or break Mint in your hands to release scent and add while bath is filling
Add Green Tea and Citrus to the top of water once bath is filled

Soak in bath water for a minimum of 20 minutes and up to 40 minutes to allow your body to absorb the salt, baking soda, vinegar, tea, herbs, and citrus. 

Drink Citrus or Cucumber Water while soaking in this Detox bath; this treatment pulls toxins out of your body so you'll want to hydrate during the treatment. You may notice that you sweat during this treatment, it's completely natural as sweating is one of your body's natural detoxifying systems. 

After your bath, continue drinking water to hydrate your body and try to rest for at least 30 minutes. This bath treatment is great before bed or when you have a gentle day of rest and relaxation planned. This detox treatment isn't a great choice for right before work or before running errands. 

Add On's:
Gentle Music
Cozy Bathrobe and Slippers

Love, Kristy~

Are You Full Moon Sensitive?

Are you full moon sensitive? I’m definitely sensitive to the full moon cycle.  I thought that I would share a few ways that I move through this time as a way to offer you some support in case you find this time to be challenging too. I’ve found that some people are more impacted by the full moon than others. It seems to be that the more sensitive someone is, the more they’re effected by full moon symptoms.

So, if you tend to classify yourself as sensitive or especially as a highly sensitive person, you may really resonate with moving through full moon symptoms. However, I’ve found that some people who don’t consider themselves to be sensitive can also be impacted by full moon symptoms. So, if you know someone or live with someone who swears the full moon doesn’t impact them, but you believe otherwise, this could help them too. (You may have to provide the support systems to them discreetly though.)

There are lots of different symptoms associated with the full moon; I’ve included the most common symptoms. These can begin approximately 3 days before the full moon, the day of the full moon, and last approximately 3 days after the full moon.

Sinus Pressure
Feeling “Foggy”
Hyper sensitive skin; your skin may actually ache and or feel uncomfortable in fabrics that aren’t extra soft.
Low grade fever
Upset or sensitive stomach
Need for deep rest
Intense Emotions and or feelings of being on an emotional roller coaster
Frustration and or agitation
Food Cravings

The full moon has historically been a time of releasing and clearing. Even though we’re living in a world where things are moving really quickly and it seems like there’s always something that needs to get done, this is still an important time to acknowledge and to honor. The moon moves the tides in the oceans and since we’re made mostly of water, we’re also impacted by the cycles of the moon. Even if you’re really busy and can’t take a lot of time to treat yourself with a little tlc during the full moon; you may want to incorporate a few of the ideas below to help your full moon cycle be a little more gentle.

Increase H2O

Even if you’re great about getting your daily water intake, try to drink a little bit more. This is especially important if you find yourself feeling parched or bloated during this time. You may want to add a little lemon to your water to help reduce any bloating. Water also seems to help move the physical symptoms along more quickly as well.

Take A Swim In the Tub

Soak in a salt bath to help reduce any tension or stress you may be feeling. Soaking in Epsom and Sea Salt can help to soothe your body and help you feel more relaxed and like yourself again. The Epsom salt will also help to soothe any aches or sensitivities you may be experiencing in your skin or muscles as well. If you aren’t a bath person, you can do a salt scrub in the shower.

Reduce Loud Noises

You may notice that your tolerance for loud noises, crowds, technology, and background noises moves to a near zero tolerance policy. To the best of your ability, try to turn off machines and stay away from loud, crowded places. Depending on your sensitivity level, you may want to listen to nature sounds such as a water fountain to help your body unwind and relax. You can also listen to nature stations on Pandora or Spotify.


This one is really important and tends to cause a little trouble for some people. It’s really important to rest during this time, however many people try to push past their comfort zone and don’t slow down; which can lead to more exhaustion. So, if you can rest or nap (even if you aren’t a napper) give yourself permission to do it. 15-20 minutes of down time can make a big difference.


Many people experience insomnia during the full moon. That’s why it’s even more important to rest during small pockets of time during the day. You may want to have an area in your home set up so you can easily move to it if you can’t sleep. I set out a blanket and pillow, and put a movie into the dvd player before turning in for the night so I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for things when I can’t sleep.

Emotional Release

You may find that you ride a big wave of emotions during this time. You may want to journal, talk to a trusted friend or support person, have a good cry, watch a favorite movie, do something creative, or anything that will help you to feel comforted.

Essential Oils

Using pure high grade essential oils can be a huge support system during the full moon. Whether you feel guided to diffuse them into the room you’re in or apply them to your skin, this can be a big a game changer in helping you feel comforted, relaxed, and balanced.

Gentle Foods

If you tend to have an upset stomach during this time, you may want to drink chamomile and peppermint tea to help soothe your tummy. Green drinks, smoothies, and soups can also be easy on the body and taste really comforting.

Smudging or Releasing Ceremony

You may want to consciously release anything that is no longer a fit for you or your life. There may be things that are changing or leaving your life; this can include people, situations, relationships ways of living, and repeating patterns.  There’s no one way to do this, just the way that feels right for you. You can create a list of the things you’re releasing and burn it (in a well ventilated area), bury it, or even flush it. You can visualize all that you’re releasing and ask your angels and guides to take them away from you and your life. You can set the intention to release everything that’s no longer serving you and then smudge your home with sage to release them and clear your home. You can find sage at most health food stores. Or, you can create your own way to mark and honor what you’re releasing.

Treat Yourself to a Treatment:

You may want to schedule a massage, acupuncture, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, or other self care treatment to help you during this time of deep sensitivity. Sometimes a treatment can help the physical and emotional symptoms move along more quickly.


To me this is the most important aspect of support. Only you will know what you need during this time, and it’s important to treat yourself with the same level of kindness and gentility that you would give to a small child. Treat yourself with kid gloves, move at your own pace, say no to things, situations, and people who aren’t a match for you at this time, and rest when you feel guided. Listen to your body and know that pushing yourself over your limits will only create more stress, strain, and often lead to the task taking much longer than usual.

There are lots of ways to make this time more gentle and supportive, and at the end of the day you’re the very best gauge for what’s right for you. Give yourself permission to listen to what you need and then honor that wisdom.

Please leave a comment sharing a way you move through the full moon energies. Do you have a sensitive friend or family member who could benefit from this list of full moon support tips? Please share it with them so they can get some extra TLC right now too. Thank you! 


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