The Season of Light

Happy December~

I hope this finds you well as we welcome the season of light together.
This time of year brings with it lots of extra light; some in the form of teeny lights, fairy lights, lights on homes, in trees, and even in windows. Maybe you’ve already added extra light to your home too. There’s something special and almost magical that happens when you add light to extra spaces in your home. Those little extra lights help to stir something within in us on a soul level. Maybe you’ve noticed this happening for you too; the feeling of deep calm, comfort, quiet, and sometimes a welling up of love and fond memories. Maybe you’ve noticed how these extra lights have a soothing effect on the people in your home and if you have little fur babies, how they’re impacted by the extra light as well.  

Often the light in combination with longer nights and darker days (for those of us living in the northern hemisphere) can create windows of opportunity for deep reflection, slowing down, and a focus on simplicity, and peace. There’s a calling from deep within us asking us to get quiet and to focus on the things that resonate with us on a core level as we prepare to move into a season of rest, renewal, and rejuvenation. While living in a modern world where the cyclical shifts of the seasons can feel like they’re happening next to us while we’re often living in a perpetual forward motion can be challenging. However, we can find ways to work with this push pull dichotomy so that we can integrate these experiences into our own lives in ways that work for us. We’re part of those cycles too and as we find ways to lean into them, we can find a place that feels more like us and feels more enjoyable.

Like most things, there’s no one way or right way to create this experience, there are only the ways that are right for you and your lifestyle; and you’re the only person who knows which ways are the right ways for you. If we think about lighting our lamp from within, we can focus on the aspects, areas, themes, or values that feel soothing, comforting, and like coming home as great places to start. Please remember that there’s no wrong answer here, and you can change your answers by adding to your list or removing things at any time you choose.

You may want to ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

  • What do I know that I need to do for myself right now?

  • What is my body telling me that I need right now?

  • How can I nurture my soul right now?

  • In what ways can I create a space that feels supportive, soothing, and peaceful to me right now?

  • What kinds of sounds, scents, and textures feel like the right fit for me right now?

  • How can I cultivate a feeling that represents me right now?

  • Are there any things I can let go from my to do list right now? If so, what?

  • How can I lean into this season of light right now?

  • What does the season of light mean to me?

  • How can I light my lamp from within right now?

  • Is there a theme I want to focus on for this season of light? If so, what?

Some of the things that showed up for you may be things that you expected to find while others may be a surprise for you. Please know this isn’t another thing to add to your to do list but rather an opportunity to understand which areas or aspects of this season are speaking to you. The areas that are prescient for you may be similar to someone else’s but they may be entirely tailored for you. Give yourself permission to lean into your season of light in the ways that resonate for you. This can help to create a season that feels uplifting, supportive, and meaningful for you in a special way. It can also help you to slow down a bit and to feel the experience of the season, the cycles, and the celebratory qualities of this time of year.

This season can bring up lots of big feelings, emotions, and experiences. Sometimes, by taking a little time to cultivate and nurture your own light, it can help ease any big feelings that come up at this time of year. As the days grow darker and the nights longer, we’re given an opportunity to increase our own light and the light we have around us. My wish for you this season is that you allow your light to shine in full spectrum not only for the benefit of your loved ones but also for yourself. Feed your light with the love you have for your life. Fill your light with the things, people, situations, and activities that you love. You may want to add some intentions you have for yourself as well as you continue to light your lamp from within all season long.

In deepest gratitude and love, thank you so much for being here and being part of my life this year.
I’m holding you and yours in my thoughts this season. The light within me honors the lights within you.

I’m sending you all my love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

Kristy~ xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Happy & Healthy Holidays for Highly Sensitive People

This month brings with it a noticeable change and you may even be able to feel the shift just from yesterday to today. This month begins and ends with celebratory themes with All saints Day today, All Souls Day and Day of the Dead tomorrow and if you live in the states, Thanksgiving celebrations toward the end of the month and the beginning of the holiday season. I know there are lots of different “official” kickoffs to the holiday season and maybe you count yesterday as the beginning of festivities; whether you’re a day after Thanksgiving person, a November 1st person, A Halloween person or somewhere in between, the time of festivities, family, and food are upon us.

If you’re experiencing a feeling of being in between shock that it’s November and also a feeling of wondering how it’s only November because 2021 has been surprisingly long; you’re not alone. It’s been a year that’s continued to offer us opportunities for growth; but we’re arriving toward the end now which can bring several different aspects and areas into play for many people, especially for highly sensitive souls. (Like yourself)

While this festive time of the year can bring a lot of fun, joy, and excitement; it can sometimes bring stress and challenges too. As a highly sensitive soul, you may need more support, self care, or recharge time than some of the other people in your circle. Knowing what areas may need extra attention as we move into this month, can help you enjoy more of the activities and experiences of this season while also honoring your natural rhythm.

Some of the main themes or areas that show up for highly sensitive people at this time of year include but aren’t limited to: Overwhelm, Boundaries, and Heightened Sensitivity. There are some simple ways that you can work with these areas which will allow you to experience the festivities and not feel like you’re just going through the motions but missing out on the actual fun or joy.


If you tend to be very organized, a self starter, someone who naturally focuses on solutions, getting all the things done and checked off the list, this could be an issue that shows up for you. It’s important to remember that it’s healthy and okay to say yes to the things that you want to do and no to the things that aren’t a fit this year. Saying yes to everything can lead to overwhelm, exhaustion, and even feelings of guilt. It’s better to leave a little breathing room in your schedule so you can have time and space to do some things that make this time of year special for you, even if that’s making popcorn, apple cider and watching your favorite movie while wearing cozy jammies.

If you have a hard time saying no, practice telling someone, “Let me get back to you after I check my schedule.”  Or “I wish I could make it, thank you for the invitation but my schedule is already full on that day.” Or, “Thank you for the invitation but as a family we’re choosing to stay home this year.” I promise you that you can do it, and people do understand. Choosing to take good care of yourself is not selfish and you’re not obligated to do all the things, all the time.


You probably understand better than most people that your energy levels deplete more quickly in different situations, environments, and around certain people. Introverts, Empaths, and Highly Sensitive People need down time to recharge, renew, and rejuvenate daily. Just like your favorite device needs to recharge, so do you. When sensitive souls overstep their own boundaries by agreeing to be in places, environments, and around people that drain them for too long it can lead to burn out, exhaustion, and even other kinds of health challenges. This is not fun and it can be a challenge because like the overwhelm category above, it’s important that you say no to situations that over extend your energy reserves so that you can maintain a sense of balance.

Acknowledging any feelings of guilt, bargaining, or going against your own grain can help you to see those experiences as red flags or stop signs so you can instead choose to honor your boundaries, energy levels, and personal needs. This will help you to lean into activities that are restorative, nurturing, and allow you to refill your well so you feel like your real self while also taking care of your needs and maintain balance.

Heightened Sensitivity:

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re experiencing less sunlight which can have a powerful impact on Highly Sensitive People. Maybe you’ve experienced varying levels of Seasonal Affective Disorder like so many others. You may feel guided to purchase a full spectrum light, or maybe you enjoy feeling heat on your skin so you enjoy hot baths, hot tubbing, steaming, or sauna to help warm up your body and help uplift your energy and mood.

Some people also experience increased sensitivity in their skin, and senses like sensitivity to lighting, sounds, even energy. You may find that you are drawn to your softest clothing, sheets, blankets, and socks at this time of year. You may need more golden or pink light instead of really bright overhead lighting, and you may notice that you want sounds and energies in your home to be gentler and less abrasive.

All of these experiences are things that can show up for highly sensitive people. You’re not imagining it, it is real, and you’re not the only one who’s going through this experience. The more that you can lean into the things that your body is needing, to the best of your ability of course, the gentler this time will be for you.

In addition to the physical aspects of heightened sensitivity, many people experience more of their natural spiritual gifts, activity, and connection to their guides, angels, and departed loved ones. This isn’t surprising to me at all, as we get quiet, comforted, and are more inwardly focused it can be easier to hear and connect with our spiritual gifts. You may notice this in your own life this month. If this is something that you enjoy, you may want to document it in a notebook or journal so you can look back at your experiences and see themes and messages showing up for you.

I hope that these support systems can be helpful for you this month during this festive and full season. These things don’t have to take a lot of time to implement in your daily life, even seemingly small things will have a big positive impact for you. The info graphic above is full of great ways to support each of the different areas which tend to show up for people right now, but especially for highly sensitive people. Lean into what you know is right for you even if it looks a little bit different than someone else, and let people know what you need and where your limit is so they can honor you the way that you honor the people you love.

I’m wishing you and yours a very happy month filled with abundance and I’m sending you so much love and gratitude from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

All my love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Home for the Holidays

christmas stars.jpg

Welcome to December and the home stretch as we embrace the holiday season, and the end of the year.

I want to thank you for the thoughts, prayers, notes, and check in’s over the last few weeks as my community was impacted by the camp fire. It’s been a really intense time but my little community has rallied around our neighbors as we all deal with the aftermath of the fire and the flooding. Your kindness and support has meant so much to me.

One of the things that has been prescient for me at this time is that no matter where we are, we bring the holidays with us. Home is within us, it’s not necessarily one particular place, but rather home is in our hearts. We can create and celebrate the holiday season no matter where we are as long as we focus on the love that’s already within us.

I know that this time of year can bring up a lot of emotions, feelings, and memories. You may be separated from your loved ones, or you may be someplace that doesn’t necessarily feel like home. However, you can create a feeling of home by investing in the activities or experiences that feel like home for you.

  • Maybe it means spending time with your Framily, the friends that you consider family.

  • Maybe it means making a special meal or dessert which really anchors the holiday spirit for you.

  • Maybe it means volunteering or supporting someone who could use help this holiday season.

  • Maybe it means listening to a special record that makes you think about a loved one who is no longer here.

  • Maybe it’s wearing festive jammies and watching movies while eating popcorn.

  • Maybe it’s _____________________________.

The truth is that there’s no one way or right way to celebrate the holiday season. There are lots of ways to honor the traditions, joys, and special moments this month. By taking time to do a few things that fill you with love, you’ll bring the holiday’s home no matter where you are or who you’re with.

Please remember that while this month is often filled with hustle and bustle, and places to go and people to see; that it’s equally important to take some time to slow down. I know it seems counter intuitive to slow down during a busy season. However, it’s in the slowing down and paring down your list of to do’s that you’ll more easily enjoy the parts of the season that speak to you. The slowing down allows you to more fully experience the season.

It’s okay to pass on the activities that don’t feel like a fit this year and to embrace the ones that are genuinely right for you. You don’t have to explain why something isn’t a fit, you’ll know it in your heart and that’s more than enough of a reason.

So, this season, no matter where you are or who you’re with, I’m wishing you a gentle, supportive, and joyful season. Let being home for the holidays mean being filled with the joy and love that’s with you right now, inside your heart.

I’m sending you so much love and I’m wishing you a very peaceful and blessed holiday season.
With gratitude and love,

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Home + Healing + Holidays


This month brings with it so many feelings as we officially greet the last 8 weeks of 2018. Maybe you’re feelings some of the feels too; some of the ones that really stand out to me are things like…

  • How is it already, November?

  • What things did I get off my list this year and which things are still sitting on the back burner and why?

  • How will I spend the holiday season and with whom?

  • How will I make time for the things that are important to me and graciously say no to the things that don’t make the list this year?

  • Why am I feeling a tinge (or tidal wave) of sadness show up for loved ones that have passed even though it’s been many years since they went home?

Are any of these things showing up for you right now?
If so, know that you’re not alone.

A pre-wrap up for the year plus home stuff, healing, and holidays all begin to swim around at this time. Because so many big themes seem to come to the surface at this time, it’s natural to feel lots of deep feelings.

I find that the combination of the days getting darker and shorter (here in the Northern Hemisphere) and all the themes showing up at this time force us to pull inward and dig deep on how we’re feeling and focus on how we want to wrap up the year.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy, celebrate, and create joy during this season. Celebration is part of the holiday season but it’s also important to give yourself permission to tend to your emotional needs too.

Finding a balance between the joy and moving through your feelings is very important. Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, this balancing process allows you to move into the celebration experience more fully.

Giving yourself permission to be where you’re at allows you to move through the wave of emotions so you can move to the next space organically; rather than forcing festivities.

There’s no one way or right way to honor this season, there are only the ways that feel right for you at this time.

  • You may feel guided to participate in a special tradition that allows you to connect to something special from your childhood.

  • Maybe you want to make something that a departed loved one always made at this time of year.

  • Maybe for you, creating a new tradition will support you in feeling more connected to this time of year and your own personal love of the season.

  • You may also feel guided to take a little time this month to gently go over the goals or intentions you've created for yourself.

  • You may want to update your vision board or pull out that list that you’ve been ticking away at during 2018.

Taking a little time to honor all that you’ve accomplished and experienced this year is equally important as focusing on what comes next for you.

This is a great time to do a little rewind on your year and really take it all in along with the accolades that you would give to someone else who accomplished what you’ve done this year.

Some of the things that can add additional support for you this month is focusing on themes that feel supportive.
Things like:

  • Calm

  • Quiet

  • Gentle

  • Cozy

  • Rest

Getting into your favorite jammies or sweats a little bit earlier in the evening, enjoying a warm cup of tea or cider, and snuggling under your favorite blanket can make a huge difference in the way that you feel.

As this season can tend to increase the things that need to get done and the places that you may need to be, making a conscious effort to slow down in seemingly small ways can help you to find that balance that’s right for you.

  • What is something that really makes you feel comforted and supported?  _________________

  • What is something that you absolutely love to do that really feels like fall to you? __________________

  • How can you add more of these things into your days this month? ________________________

When you say yes to your own personal boundaries and needs you more easily move into that place of personal balance. Finding your balance will allow you to experience the kind of season that fills you with joy, happiness, and peace.

You’re absolutely worth investing the time to honor the things that soothe and support you. You don’t have to invest a ton of time in doing this, but you’ll receive so much from this investment and it will be well worth your time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful and gentle month filled with things and people that rise up to greet you! For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, I’m wishing you a wonderful holiday!

With love and support,


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